Ferran Torres is called to be one of the big 'disclosures' in this season. It has begun being important in the FC Barcelona and have him 'answered' with double announcement for the national selection. It is in a moment of a lot of confidence in himself same and is being a key point so that it recover his best state of form after a year starred by the irregularity.
This Monday, while it is freed of the commitments with 'The Red' and is expecting to return to the work in the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper, the Valencian extreme has offered an interview to 'The Anteater' in which it has reviewed his actuality, spoke on the importance of the mental health and the know when ask help, or of his new nickname, 'the Shark', as well as the injury that suffered in 2021 that left him several months 'KO' before, precisely, turn into player of the Barça.
The most difficult moment for Ferran Torres
Of the injury in the fifth metatarsiano of the right foot has said that it was something that had physical and emotional consequences for him: "Had an injury in the foot and as a result of the same did not achieve to put me to my physical level and as of head was a bit feeble, a bit toneless, happened a pothole to mental level", adding that "it was a hard year but to day of today think that it has been the best year of my life because I learnt a pile, took out more positive things that negative and thanks to this built Ferran Torres that I am today".
It was a moment of a lot of learning for the one of Foios: "Thanks to the injury learnt to centre me in what I can control, in what it depends on me, and from here that neither my circle of confidence neither I same can reproach me at all. If I go summoned for my is a pride, but if I do not go attempt that serve me of motivation to know what more have to do to go back to be summoned".
The twist of 180 degrees for Ferran
However, live this injury caused that his life gave a twist of 180 degrees, "because raisins to do a daily routine with your mates to be you only with the fisio, in the gymnasium. You cross a moment of solitude, of continuous talks with you same, and went in this moment when I decided to put me in hands of a professional", confessed the player of 23 years.
It was a moment in which it took advantage of to put in perspective everything: "I Reviewed all my path from small until I began with him and here decided that it was the moment to speak with my family, with my friends, with my circle of confidence, surround me of professionals and support me in them, because at the end the opinion that I value and to me matters me is the one who have they of me and the one who I have of me same. This changed my form to see the things and now am in a moment in which have a lot of autoconfianza".
The nickname of Ferran
On the other hand, Ferran has done reference to the reason of his nickname of 'The Shark', explaining also the tattoo that has in the back with which celebrates his 'resurrection' like player: "it Is a sentence of three things that have happened me: 'you try It, you make a mistake, you raise you'. I think that at the end what marks to a person is not the success but how raises after the falls", adding that "the nickname refers to my mentality. I always have been a very competitive person, very ambitious, with very bad lose because it does not like me lose although I have lost many times. And this ambition, those win to want to improve, think that go chord to the mentality of a shark and seat me very identified with this nickname".