Food of fraternity of the Barça thinking in the "doublet"
Published:18/05/2016 - 17:56h
Updated:18/05/2016 - 17:56h
The staff to the complete of the FC Barcelona, once finalised the train of this Wednesday, carried out a food of fraternity in the Ciutat Esportiva of Sant Joan Despí, distracting before mentalizarse in the final of Glass of Rey
Shortly after that it finalised the session of training of this Wednesday, the staff to the complete of the FC Barcelona and the technical body of Luis Enrique remained some hours more in the Ciutat Esportiva of Sant Joan Despí. All ate together to distract and go on doing pineapple of face to the important final of Glass of the King of the next Sunday against the Seville.
The Barça will play the "doublet" in front of the group hispalense in Vicente Calderón, and by this reason Luis Enrique and the technical body wish that the communion of the team and the tuning keep on being the best possible of face to the party, against a rival that will demand the maximum.
If the Barça wins the final of Glass of Rey, will have conquered the "doublet" Ties-Glass, something that so only has sucedido in six occasions along the history of the club. It can that therefore Gerard Hammered ensured this Wednesday in press conference that, from out, it is necessary to value what is achieving during the last seasons, especially the series of six Leagues of the last eight, since it is something that "never before had attained the club", and that therefore deserves to be in consideration.
During the last times, what yes seems that it is increasingly usual are the foods and meetings of team. The past 27 April, without going more far, all the staff and the technical body quoted in the restaurant Can Ferran just after the session of training. The chemistry of team is by the clouds, and can say in no uncertain terms that it is one of the causes of the big successes harvested during the last campaign and average.