Pep Guardiola and Gerard Hammered in his together stage in the FC Barcelona

It answers to the words of Capello

Guardiola: "I will not be president of the Barça, for this already is Hammered"

Published:5/01/2017 - 18:53h

Updated:5/01/2017 - 18:53h

The trainer of the Manchester City, that announced does days that could be in his last stage like technician, answered to the words of Fabio Capello. Pep Guardiola confirmed that by his head does not happen to be president of the Barça and aimed to Hammered

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The trainer of the Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, autodescartó this Thursday like possible president of the FC Barcelona. The one of Santpedor answered to the words of Fabio Capello on the possibility that it was thinking in turning into maximum mandator of the Barcelona group.

"Had the luck to be trained by Fabio Capello and will say him that I never will be president of the Barcelona... For this already is Gerard Hammered", sustained the trainer in the previous press conference to the party of the corresponding English team to the FA Cup. 

The míster Catalan himself wanted to matizar his words of does some days on the end of his career like trainer. "I do not go to train when be 60 years old... But it is that now I have 45 years. I am in a perfect place to follow working. In the future I want to do something more in my life. I began very soon in this of the football. Yes, perhaps it was inappropriate to say that I am beginning to sack me of my career", admitted.

It arrived to the City to help and improve, no to change it everything

Finally, Pep spoke of the pressure mediática with which has to lidiar from his arrival to the Premier League: "The people that thought that came to change it all was made a mistake: I have come to improve and to help to my team, to adapt me, no to change at all. My teams always have been the best in yellow and red cards. Sometimes, here the criterion is distinct. Sometimes it is fault, sometimes no".