Gerard Hammered, directing to the bus of the FC Barcelona


I hammered azota to "ABC" by his cover on the esteladas

Published:21/05/2016 - 17:24h

Updated:21/05/2016 - 17:24h

The díscolo central of the FC Barcelona, Gerard Hammered, put in evidence to the newspaper "ABC" through Twitter when criticising his cover of the final of Glass. Besides, retuiteó to an user that remembered diverse francoist covers of the Spanish newspaper

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The controversial Catalan defender of the FC Barcelona, Gerard Hammered, went back to put in evidence this Saturday to the newspaper "ABC", as it already did does some weeks after criticising how treated the newspaper in question an action of the last FC Barcelona-Sporting with him of protagonist.

The case is that this time Gerard Hammered took advantage of the tug that has in the social networks to censor the cover of the newspaper "ABC" on the final of the Glass of the King 2015-16 between FC Barcelona and Seville. The conservative newspaper of the Madrilenian capital had titled the cover, after a judge allowed the presence of esteladas in Vicente Calderón, of this way: "the esteladas win the Glass to the sport".

Gerard Hammered, férreo defender of the freedom of expression and of the Catalan culture, went out to the step of the publication to put the things in his place and remember to "ABC" that "a newspaper always would have to be in favour of the freedom of expression".

In addition to the explanation, Gerard Hammered did to notice to "ABC" that the shield of the Seville that appears in the cover of the newspaper is not the one who the club hispalense considers at present like official. "The shield of the Seville is not correct", commented. It would not finish here the "scourge" of Hammered against the newspaper "ABC".

The user of Twitter @ElChirincirco -parodiando to the program "The Chiringuito"- insinuated to Gerard Hammered that "ABC" has not been along his history too adherent no only of the freedom of expression, but of the "freedom" in general lines, attaching carried of "ABC" in which the newspaper idolised to Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler. Gerard Hammered retuiteó the tuit.

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