Javier Pastore Mbappé


Javier Pastore reveals Mbappe's tough joke after losing the World Cup to Messi

Published:22/03/2024 - 17:45h

Updated:22/03/2024 - 17:45h

Kylian Mbappé came close to completing one of the greatest individual performances in history in the final of the last World Cup, but on the other side Leo Messi did and the Frenchman did not hesitate to leave a strong statement about it

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Javier Pastore was of 2011 to 2018 in Paris Saint-Germain and this allowed him share the field with Kylian Mbappé during little more than a year. In this lapse the Argentinian was able to create a good bond with the goleador, and thus it encouraged to ask him on the Glass of the World in which Argentina won to France in one of the best finals of all the history of the football.

"I saw it a pair of months after the final in Qatar, when PSG was to train and to do a party. And I was in the changing room, with him, with Messi, with Ney", explained initially the mediapunta, the one who to his 34 years finds without team, although still without announcing his retreat. When having shared also with Leo Messi in the Argentinian selection, Pastore tried to know how found Mbappé after that defeat in Catar.

In an interview with 'The Nation', Pastore surprised to many when explaining what said him the French on the captain of the team albiceleste. "I congratulated it by the World-wide that had done and said me: 'Noo, if the son of p*** east of Messi won us the World-wide'", answered him Kylian between laughs with regard to the big level of Messi in that party, in which it finish marking a doublet and also his penalti in the definite moment of the party.

Pastore Has clear that Mbappé has matured very fast

Further of this hard prank, the exjugador of the selection of Argentina elogió the professionalism Mbappé, spoke of his competitiveness and highlighted his maturity. "Kylian Is a very centred boy. It lost a final and the next day already was thinking in the next that went to win. Has an incredible mentality. I know it a lot, have a very beautiful relation with him and is a winner, competes to the 100 percent", ensured

To Pastore always called him the attention the attitude of his excompañero in Paris in relation with his youth. "It surprises me his seriousness to this age. This seriousness only had seen them to him to Cristiano Ronaldo and to Messi. Already in the new generations is very difficult to find the concentration and the seriousness that has Kylian. I do not see it in other youngsters, perhaps yes in Haaland. But it is difficult to find these shots", highlighted.

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