Leo Messi in a training with the Barça / Photo: Twitter FCB


Leo Messi goes back to training and Semedo has discomfort

Published:6/06/2020 - 12:16h

Updated:6/06/2020 - 19:58h

Leo Messi has gone back to the work exercising on the lawn of the Camp Nou, where has done specific work beside Nélson Semedo, that also is touched

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Around the middle of the present week, Leo Messi gave the fright to the not being able to assist to a session of training with the group by fault of some annoyances. As it informed the FC Barcelona, the Argentinian star suffered a "small muscular contracture in the cuádriceps right" that still keeps him to the margin. However, this same Saturday has gone back to exercise on the lawn of the Camp Nou.

The Barcelona captain made specific work to prepare of face to the resumption of LaLiga, that will initiate in Sound Moix against the Mallorca the Saturday 13 June. It is necessary to remember that the rosarino did not step the lawn of the Sportive City neither the Thursday neither the Friday and, after affirming that it did not have to what concern, the FC Barcelona finish issuing a communiqué in which it detailed his annoyances.

The Catalan club desveló that the Argentinian suffers a slight contracture in the cuádriceps of the right leg. After several months of confinement and with some sessions in which it was necessary to put to tone progressively, the technicians already expected some ailment like this, although the conclusions are positive because hardly they have produced drops from the comeback of the first team.

The press release of the Barcelona group insisted in that this is only a measure of caution used to minimise a short risks days of the resumption of the championship. "This Friday has done specific work to avoid risks since they remain eight days for the first commitment of League. In the next days is foreseen that it go back to work with the group", specified the doctors barcelonistas.

It is necessary to mention that in this campaign, Messi already has suffered some setbacks. The principle of course was not too pleasant for the crack of 32 years, that remained several months stopped by a muscular mishap in the sóleo. But in spite of losing several parties, is the main baza offensive for Quique Setién, and has materialised 24 goals and 16 assistances in the 31 commitments in which it has taken part.

Nélson Semedo Also has trained in solitary

Beside Leo Messi, has been Nélson Semedo also doing specific work to the margin of his mates. According to the informations published by 'MD', the Portuguese side also suffers some annoyances by which the club has decided to take cautions, since in a week will restart LaLiga Santander for the culés. It expects that the side luso arrive to time to play the duel in front of the Majorcans.