Leo Messi, in the inferior categories of the FC Barcelona


Agustín Romero, the footballer that played with Leo Messi of boy

Published:30/03/2019 - 02:19h

Updated:30/03/2019 - 02:19h

It does a lot of years, Agustín Romero shared team in Rosary with Leo Messi and saw to the crack Barcelona progress from very small. In this period, the now better player of the world already left samples of what could turn into the future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Nowadays, Leo Messi is known in the whole world for being the best footballer of the planet. However, few are the privileged that saw him give his first steps in the football when only it was a boy. One of them was Agustín Romero that, in a report in the magazine 'Sportive Quarry', explained his experience with the Barcelona when only they were boys.

To day of today, this footballer is 33 years old, two more than Messi. When they were boys, the crack Barcelona already stood out above the rest in spite of being lower in age. "I was born in Rosario and there, in Grandoli, coincided with him in the club of the neighbourhood. My brother went to play to a field that there was and a day accompanied him. Messi was some lower years that we and already stood out", explained Romero.

Curiously, in spite of being a boy, in that period already deleitaba with drivings with the balloon hit to the foot. "Always it carried the balloon in the feet, between the legs. You saw the enormous balloon and he pequeñito... You thought how it could drive it, but it did it. It was a wonderful thing, incredible...", it commented.

Besides, Romero expressed his wish to be able to speak with which does a lot of years was his mate. "It is very difficult can access to Messi, but have a conversation of 10 minutes with him would be impressive. It would be beautiful can repeat now of big this photo that share of boys and see if it agrees of this field of the neighbourhood of which follow going out good footballers", sentenced.

Leo Messi, the crack solidario

To his 31 years, Leo Messi has had a very positive evolution in his game. In the first years in the first team of the FC Barcelona, the Argentinian stood out for being a player individualista, that did big played to finish them he same. With the step of the time, has gone changing and now no only centres in the section goleador.

The solidarity of Messi on the terrain of the game has turned him into an excellent assistant. Besides, in spite of that litigates for achieving the Boot of Gold, does not matter him yield in some occasions as, for example, in the penalti that left him launch to Luis Suárez in Santiago Bernabéu. Gestures like that do him even more big and, in spite of this, keeps on being the one who more goals marks.