Sometimes, when one accustoms to the zone of comfort, start him of her supposes something more painful of the expected. Raisin with the works, the relations, the places... And also with the artists. Leo Messi has accustomed to the culés -and to the world of the football, in general- to a degree superlative of magic that engloba more than 40 goals by season, assistances, the offensive weight of a winning team and technical details that never leave to surprise.
The follower culé has habituado to his tricks, celebrations and individual successes, that usually go tied to collective titles. From it does more than a decade, 'The Flea' is the main argument of the FC Barcelona to win all the parties in which it is present, and when it does not have to the Argentinian in the field suffers -sometimes more than what would have to-, perhaps by the fault of habit to play without the angular stone of his game.
But, what will happen when it do not go back to enfundarse the Barcelona T-shirt? Sure that some time have thought in that this moment would arrive, but of way still very far. Well, with the recent news of the special clause of Messi in the Barça, desvelada by 'El País', one darse that the course of the best player of the world, by a lot of that hurt, can produce anytime.
The most likely is that the rosarino hold a pair or three seasons more -as minimum- in the staff, although it will depend only and exclusively of how seats physical and psychologically. It would not be odd that, with all the pressure mediática and the requirement to which has been subjected since it began to despuntar, stepped at the side before the expected.
Neither that, as they did Xavi or Iniesta, to the 34 or 35 years put course to Japan, United States, Qatar or Argentinian to play in a lower league some campaigns more until his withdrawal, already with the only aim to enjoy of the football and without having to win all the parties yes or yes. Some day will occur, and the FC Barcelona will have to be prepared to all the levels.
The course of an idol always brings consequences, and especially when it is the most important of all. The Real Madrid still has not raised after the exit of Cristiano Ronaldo course to the Juventus of Turín, and true is that the Barça has been reinforcing more than the normal in the last years, but still has not found to a 'crack' that give him what gives him Messi. Probably never it find it.
Messi and Suárez have date of caducity in the Barça
The process of transition will consist in jointing to the best possible players, boost the chemistry of team and follow defending the style of game that has carried to the club to the success. With variations, of course, because it is not the same to play with Messi that without him, but with a clear idea of what wants to reflect on the lawn. The withdrawal of Leo Messi, when it arrive, will come joined with all probability to the one of Luis Suárez.
The two maxima goleadores of the team in the last polish will do some day the cases, sooner that late, and the FC Barcelona will have to look for to new idols that substitute them. It will be Griezmann one of them? Dembélé, maybe? For now they seem like an egg to a chestnut, but it is necessary to have patience. Before spending in a crazy way, what matters is that there is a good sportive planning. And, especially, see what has home before looking for was.