Yellow surrealist for Messi
Esperpento Latre: It admonished to Messi after breaking his boot
Published:7/11/2016 - 02:10h
Updated:7/11/2016 - 17:39h
The played more surrealist of the party starred it the collegiate Jaime Latre, that admonished to Lionel Messi after a defender of the Seville broke him the boot in an entrance. The referee thought that lost time but remained portrayed
The played more esperpéntica of the Seville FC-FC Barcelona starred it the referee of the party. Jaime Latre that do not content with having made a very toneless party, leaving that the venues employed with excessive hardness, finish admonishing of incomprehensible form to the crack of the Barça Leo Messi.
The played in himself took place in the minute 85 with the Seville trying achieve the tie but with a Barça controlling everything. In a played of Barcelona attack, a defender sevillista gave him the enésima patada to Leo Messi that it was not neither signalled by the referee. So hard was that even it broke him the boot to the player that remained in the floor without this.
And Latre, that no enteró that it went the party in the 90 minutes of the crash, signalled him to the player that abandoned the terrain of game accompanying it with a caution. It thought the judge that the rosarino was losing time sew that it was lie.
The images repeated portrayed totally to the referee that already had left a few cautions in the first time after the excessive aggressiveness showed by the Andalusians. Although the culés were warned of to which referee would have in front did not expect something like this.