Goretzka: "It didn't hurt me see Messi like this, I passed a good time"
Published:16/08/2020 - 15:29h
Updated:16/08/2020 - 15:29h
In Can Barça haven't liked some statements of the players of the Bayern Munich after the match of the Friday, because of the fault of touch and, in some cases, of respect
It can that to Leon Goretzka was missing him something of touch and respect by the best footballer of the world when they asked him, after the licking lumbered with by the Bayern Munich to the FC Barcelona, if it had felt something of penalty for seeing to Leo Messi so knock# down anímicamente. Or it can that, directly, to Goretzka gave him entirely equal and decided to answer with total sincerity.
The case is that his words, joined to the ones of other players of the Bayern that spoke after the party, have not seated well to part of the barcelonismo neither neither to the own Barça, something 'hammered' by the soberbia with which the Germans are pronouncing lately through the media, as if they already had won the Champions League before playing the semifinals.
"It did not hurt me see like this to Leo, have had a good time", went the answer of Goretzka when they asked him if, by age and taking into account that Messi can that it was an idol for him from boy, had hurt him see to the rosarino of this way. Another of his mates, Joshua Kimmich, went even more escueto and cutting when answering with a solitary "no" to the same question.
In definite, the historical humiliation of the Bayern to the Barça in shape of 2-8 follows leaving in the inkwell comments and statements of the protagonists of the both teams, ones to celebrate his superiority and increase his ego and the others to apologise to the fans culés by the shame that did them happen with the bochornosa defeat in Lisbon.
When we will see again to a Barça winning?
Over time the waters will calm , but will be necessary a lot of years to forget a goleada of this type, if it is that some day forgets . And also they will need big quantity of changes in the club and in the staff so that ridiculous of this class do not go back to repeat in the coming years.
The FC Barcelona needed a big slap to react, and already has received it. Now, it will be necessary to see if in the Barcelona club have of the resources and the sufficient ideas as to go back to do of this a competitive team and with options to win important titles. To short, half and long term. In all the big clubs live revolutions sooner or later. Ones carry them better that others...