Koeman: "I don't have any complaint of Messi, is very put"
Published:3/10/2020 - 14:54h
Updated:3/10/2020 - 16:58h
Ronald Koeman is more than satisfied with the performance that is leaving the FC Barcelona in these first matches of the season 2020-21, and is not for less. Like this transmitted it in press conference
It results logical that Ronald Koeman breathe relieved after it sucedido in the last week, with a spectacular start of the FC Barcelona in LaLiga Santander 2020-21 with goleadas in front of the Villarreal (4-0) and Celtic of Vigo (0-3). The Dutch technician is very happy with the performance of his players and with the attitude that are showing in the sessions of training.
In press conference, like this has transmitted it the hero of Wembley. This yes, with prudence. "Only we carry five weeks, there has been change of system, and need time, but are working well. The other day in front of the Celtic was remarkable, with one less, the team played the second part with many win and this loves me. What look for is to give the maximum to win the party and was very good. We trust we same, but each party is different".
"For me Messi always has been the best of the world and now that I can see it in the entrenos, is put in the subject"
Koeman Values positively the effort of his to adapt to the new system, as well as to increase the intensity in the exercises. "If I speak of this season does not want to say that it was a criticism to what has happened in the past. I look for the intensity in the entrenos, because it plays as it trains . It is complicated by the calendar, but I do not go out to the field to rest".
"Tomorrow there is train tactical, look for that the players that know what have to do in the field, to the margin that have a staff with very good players. We have improved in the physical appearance and notices in the environment, the same players are players of football because it likes them play and it is necessary to demand them the maximum day in day out and ojalá follow winning", signals the Dutch.
One of the players that is surrendering to big level is Coutinho, that seems another. "The question is good and the contestasción is easy: it is very good player. It has learnt a lot in England, has learnt a lot in the Bayern of Munich and my function like trainer is to take out the greater performance of each play and this goes through to plant it in his place. And afterwards it wins confidence, but everything goes through the quality and he is a big player".
Messi, very enchufado in the dynamic culé
Also it is happy Koeman by the fact to having recovered to Leo Messi. "From the first day Leo has trained well and has played well, and has done the maximum for the club and for his mates and do not have any his complaint. The other day in front of the Celtic helped to the team playing from backwards, there is not any discussion by his quality, for me always has been the best and now that I can see it in the entrenos, is put in the subject and is an example like captain".
And it thinks that still they are missing for improving a lot of appearances in the Barcelona game, by what follows having margin to see to a Barça even more conclusive. "Always they can improve things, but in general am very happy because the work that do the players day in day out, his attitude, is fundamental, is very good. They are every day pending to improve in the change of system. Ojalá That follow like this". Ojalá, definitely.