Leo Messi goes  to the changing room expelled with Koeman to his side


Koeman on whether Messi will continue: "I'm hopeful, but I'm not sure"

Published:2/02/2021 - 10:49h

Updated:2/02/2021 - 12:57h

Ronald Koeman, trainer of the FC Barcelona, conceded an interview to 'The Athletic' and spoke on the future of Leo Messi of face to the next campaign

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Leo Messi in the FC Barcelona is not at all clear and, in case the doubts that generated after it sucedido the past summer or in the interview with Jordi Évole went few, the publication of his agreement in a campaign of desprestigio still complicates it more. On this has spoken Ronald Koeman in an interview with the media 'The Athletic'.

Ronald Koeman recognised the anger of Leo Messi in summer by all the sucedido. "He was not happy to be in a team that lost 8-2 in front of the Bayern of Munich in the quarter-finals of the Champions League. Of course, it was angry, wanted to leave the team. It was a moment difficult because it keeps on being the best player, but was angered by some situations in the club", said.

When it was appointed like trainer of the FC Barcelona, Ronald Koeman spoke with the club on the situation of Leo Messi. "In the first place, what said him to the club was: 'it Is well, it is not my problem. It is a problem between the club and Leo Messi. And you have to resolve it'. Finally, the club said me: 'we do not go him to traspasar. It remains '. It was a moment difficult for Leo, but finally accepted it", explained

"Still I do not see to Leo Messi with another T-shirt that was not the one of the Barça"

Later, Ronald Koeman had a talk with the own Leo Messi. "It knew that had some problems with the club and I was out of this. I said him to Leo: 'I Am very happy if you remain you. If you do not remain you, it is your decision and is what have to handle with the club. If you remain you, you will be part of the team and that will be your position to take out the best of you same'", explained.

Ronald Koeman desveló that, with the step of the days, Leo Messi was accepting the situation. "I spoke with him in his house before we began the season, did plans with him and was very excited. Little by little it was accepting this situation. And it looks how it is playing in the last weeks, is very put in the club, in the team. But anybody knows what will happen in the future", recognised.

In conclusion on the future of Leo Messi, Ronald Koeman showed moderately optimistic. "I am enjoying being his trainer, if you look his qualities every day in the trainings, is incredible. Of course, it came of small to Barcelona. And still I do not see to Leo Messi with another T-shirt that was not the one of the Barça", commented, adding that "I am not sure, but have hopes, because it keeps on being a big player and follows winning split for the team".

Leo Messi has to continue making history as Barcelona