Leo Messi, training beside Luis Suárez in Saint George's Park

Big initiative

Leo Messi also "golea" in the fight against the cancer

Published:12/08/2016 - 18:03h

Updated:12/08/2016 - 18:03h

The best player of the world collaborated through his association to the fight against the cancer and a very rare illness. By means of a tournament solidario, Leo Messi and the Associació Rabdomiosarcoma have achieved that 180 people have inscribed  

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it has given to know, the Foundation Leo Messi joined to the Associació Rabdomiosarcoma have achieved that the tournament of goal solidario Trofeu Golf Fontanals was really a success. Both have organised said championship to look for finance in the research of possible cures for this rare illness that attacks to the boys and girls of all the world. And for this have achieved that 180 people inscribe and collaborate with the cause.

The Associació Rabdomiosarcoma works in the investigation of this childish cancer, and has declared that the registration was an absolute success exhausting the 180 squares with a collection of 8.000 euros that there was per person. By his part, the Foundation Leo Messi has collaborated with more than 200.000 destined euros to his investigation, since the laboratories do not investigate possible cures by not being profitable in his accounts.

The doctor Andrés Moral is the one who coordinates a project that has a length of four years and has a lot of social support, being the figure of the rosarina a magnet to attract helps and collaborations for the cause.

Therefore, it remains clear that the Foundation Leo Messi has centred in giving his help to the investigation of the illness of rabdomiosarcoma and the tournament of golf that celebrate this Saturday is not more than an example of this.