Leo Messi invests his recently premièred free time in his family
Published:6/09/2018 - 16:57h
Updated:7/09/2018 - 01:26h
To many took them of surprise and anybody has descartado his return, but Leo Messi already begins to benefit of the advantages of his rest of the Argentinian selection. In addition to an impulse to physical level, the rosarino invests his free time in enjoying of his family
It does already some days that confirmed the rest that Leo Messi will take of the Argentinian selection, and although many no descartan his turn, the crack begins to enjoy of his advantages. After more than a decade engaged and delivered to the 'albiceleste', the rosarino finds an entirely new panorama, with several profits that before were not to his scope.
Shortly after fulfilling 31 years, the attacker of the FC Barcelona lives some days relaxed. It attends to the sessions of trainings but can at the same time freshen the legs, freed of long trips to any country of the world and of the efforts and patadas that mean the clashes, that in quite a lot of occasions have little of friendly.
Besides, there is a factor that is marking the difference for the canterano, and is that it can invest more time in being with his beings wanted. The family has turned into the holiest plot of his life, and with crowd of commitments, no always is easy to be near. Settled in the City Condal, and without more transfers that do that some meetings of businesses, can appreciate much more the small details.
This Thursday, without going more far, Messi has gone back to be leading in the networks, sharing a photography beside Thiago and Mateo in his first day of school. To having been concentrated with the selection, his presence in United States would have been forced, what would have prevented him again devote the space that require his children and his woman, to which adores and of which boasts often in his public apparitions. Leo is today a bit happier.
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Argentina resists lose to Messi
In spite of that after the defeat in the World-wide, the criticisms were again fierce against the selection and especially against the '10', in Argentina dominates the understanding on the recent election of Leo Messi, and are not few the figures stood out of the country that have signalled the well of this measure and have showed him his support.
The last in pronouncing has been Jorge Burruchaga, that, this yes, has renounced to think that this goodbye can be definite: "To Leo does not be necessary to force him more to that avenges yes or yes. I said that it rested, that was with his people, that evaluated it well. Now it is the same. This is a process of evaluations and know what Read can surrender in the selection, what can follow him contributing. It is necessary to leave him calm, that enjoy of his club and of other things. When it was well and when this direct , obviously that it can not think that I Read was not more in the selection".