Leo Messi has defended in the last hours after the sanction imposed by the FIFA, that will prevent him contest the four next parties of the clasificatorio for the World-wide of Russia 2018, doing peligrar of this way the options of Argentina to classify .

In the letter sent by the Association of the Argentinian Football (AFA) to the FIFA with the aim to reduce the sanction, include the statements of Leo Messi that tries to leave clear that his words vejatorias in any moment were directed to the referee assistant of the meeting, but they were insults to the air in front of the frustration by the situation of the party.

"I deny in shape terminante have offended to the referee assistant 1 in the party versus Chile, neither much less that my behaviour place inside it normado by the art. 57 of the Disciplinary Code of FIFA", ensures the "crack" of the FC Barcelona in the writing.

The words of Messi were directed to the air

"The referee assistant 1, of Brazilian nationality, understood perfectly what I said, to such point that have conversed of amicable way without that any moment my said have offended or injuriado to the referee. Other is to say that if any of my said had incomodado to the referee assistant 1 never were headed to his person but they were said to the air and from already apologise thus", adds.

In spite of the apologies and to the attempt of defence of the Argentinian star of the FC Barcelona, seems unlikely that the FIFA decide to reduce the number of parties of suspension of Leo Messi with Argentina, what will allow him contest only the last party of the clasificatorio for the World-wide 2018. We will see if Argentina has still then options to classify .