Luis Suárez and Leo Messi, celebrating a goal this season with the Barça


Luis Suárez and Leo Messi, the best goleadores of 2016

Published:26/09/2016 - 12:22h

Updated:26/09/2016 - 12:22h

Luis Suárez and Leo Messi, with 43 goals each one, are to day of today the two maxima goleadores of the year 2016, to big distance of the third in discord, Cristiano Ronaldo, that this year for the moment has achieved to annotate 34 goals

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona can say, with total freedom, that is the team with more "gunpowder" of the world regarding the flank of attack. And it is that two of his three offensive musketeers, Leo Messi and Luis Suárez, accumulate each one 43 goals since it began the year 2016, a figure at all desdeñable and that confirms the big potential scorer of the Barça, as Neymar also is in the "Top " 5" of maxima realizadores in what it goes of year.

The statistics includes also the goals added with the selections, and Luis Suárez has marked the big majority of them with the FC Barcelona -could not contest the Glass America with Uruguay- in 3.430 minutes of game, with a descomunal average of a goal each 79 minutes of game.

Lionel Messi also adds 43 goals, but the difference is that "The Flea" has played more minutes that the charrúa -arrived to the final of the Glass America with Argentina-, annotating with the FC Barcelona and the albiceleste a goal each 95 minutes.

Cristiano Ronaldo is the third goleador in discord of the list, although something far of the registers of the two realizadores of the FC Barcelona. And it is that the Portuguese of the Real Madrid, although it topped champion of the Champions League and the Eurocopa, has not begun well the season and sum 34 goals from the first party of 2016 that played, annotated in 3.351 minutes.

In brief, a goal each 98 minutes, inferior average to the ones of Luis Suárez and Leo Messi. Now, of face to the next Balloon of Gold, expects that Luis Suárez form part finally of the triple of players candidates to the prize, since the FIFA no longer will have at all that see in the election of candidates and the votes will carry them only and exclusively journalists. Until it do not approach the date, however, will be an incógnita know if the charrúa will be or no in the podium.