Leo Messi, celebrating a goal with the FC Barcelona this course


Messi, cooler than never to throw the Barça to the back

Published:10/05/2020 - 15:10h

Updated:10/05/2020 - 15:10h

Leo Messi is more rested than never to shine in these last months of the season 2019-20, when restart the competitions of Liga and Champions. He is hungry of titles

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Is converting , without place to doubts, in the season of more rest for Leo Messi since eclosionó in the FC Barcelona. To the stop of two months by fault of the coronavirus, that lamentably has affected to all the world, adds the period of more than a month that the '10' was lesionado at the beginning of the present campaign, losing the first parties of League and Champions.

Messi always wants to play it all, and from the last party in front of the Real Sociedad (7 March) has been following to rajatabla the indications of the 'staff' technical to keep fit with trainings of cardio and of strength in his own domicile. This Friday began to train again after surpassing the test of coronavirus, and already explains the days to reappear on the lawn in official party.

To his 32 years, is prepared for the resumption of the championships, so much of League as of Champions League, and wants to throw the Barça to the back to struggle by the corresponding titles. 'The Flea' has played to date 31 parties with the Barça this season, less than the normal because it was sanctioned with Argentina, and because the group culé fell in quarter-finals of the Glass of Rey and in semifinals of the Supercopa of Spain.

It lost by injury the five first days of League, rested in the last of Champions -with the Barça already classified for eighth- and in another party of Glass of Rey, the one of Ibiza. At present it accumulates 24 goals in what it goes of course: 19 in League, two in Champions, two in Glass and one in the Supercopa of Spain, waiting for following increasing his figures in the 11 remaining days of the domestic championship and the eliminatory European.

Messi wants to take advantage of the long rest

In total, Messi was 71 consecutive days without playing recently less than a year, jointing his holidays of summer with the injury that suffered to the start of the course, a period of time to the that now is necessary to add the two months of stop by the coronavirus. Two long periods of 71 and 61 days that, sure, will have served so that his legs are more oxigenadas of face to what is for coming.

Also it exists the risk, nevertheless, that so much time without competing to the maximum level do him more liable to suffer future injuries. It was as it was, Messi has made an exhaustive preparation in his domicile to play it everything in what it subtracts of campaign. Because it knows that, in this 'sprint' final, the team that better was physically will have the wind of face to carry the sportive glory.