Messi tried to leave Barça in 2015, according to Jordi Mestre
Published:1/02/2021 - 14:40h
Updated:1/02/2021 - 14:40h
The ex director culé, Jordi Mestre, has revealed that Messi already had tried to leave of the club in 2015, after the leak of his agreement with the Barça
Since The World published the last agreement of Lionel Messi with the FC Barcelona, that signed in 2017 with Josep María Bartomeu, have jumped different personalities to express his opinion and defend to the captain blaugrana in a moment more than complicated. After the presidential candidates of the club, Joan Laporta, Víctor Font and Toni Freixa pronounced in this regard, have added new reaccones of near people to the club.
The Spanish newspaper desveló that Messi signed his renewal by four years by a mount that it rises to the 555.237.619 euros, with an annual entry of 138 millions. Besides, the half also gave to know that the one of Rosario will receive a prize by fidelity to the Barça of 66 'kilos'. The payment, aimed The World, will do in two parts: one before 31 March and the rest, to finals of July, follow or no in the Camp Nou in the future.
However, the more resaltante of everything is the support that has received the Argentinian in the last hours, by part of his mates, trainer and near surroundings. One of which has reacted has been the ex diectivo of the club, Jordi Mestre, the one who has said in the Chain 'COPE' that it is very odd that when the Real Madrid is in his lower hours (something that has gone back very common in the last weeks), go out something in the press that leaves to the Barça in a situation complicated.
"Whenever the Madrid goes badly, goes out something controversial against the Barça and I do not create in the casualidades", aimed Mestre, adding that "I do not think that was any presidential candidate". The ex managerial blaugrana defended his figure and the one of Josep María Bartomeu, revealing that they did not have at all that see with the leak of the agreement, since "the agreements not even were in our hands. They were in the Club and in The League".
"Messi wanted to go in 2015 and struggle so that it remained ".
The most surprising of his statements is that desveló that in the summer of 2020 was not the first time that the '10' tried to escape of the Camp Nou, since in the 2015 had even said him to the Managerial Board of this moment that wanted to abandon the club, but the Barcelona entity, in this moment directed by Josep María Bartomeu, achieved that it remained . In concrete, aimed that "Messi wanted to go in 2015 and struggle so that it remained ".
It will achieve the Barça retain him again?
The situation that lives the Barcelona club regarding the year 2015 is very different and there are fewer reasons, at least sportive, to attain convince to the captain culé that it remain some years more in the Camp Nou. Besides, as he same ensured in his interview with Jordi Évole, will decide his future in the month of June, when it finalise the season.
It will take in account, of safe, all what has lived in these months, by what the leak of his agreement will not overlook and will have weight in his final decision. Now, only it remains to expect to that the new president of the club, was the one who was, can offer him a reliable sportive project that ilusione to the Argentinian, much more there of the figures of an agreement.