If we remember what can read in one of the passages of "Herr Pep", the biography of Pep Guardiola written by Martí Perarnau, will know that the one of Santpedor knows better that anybody the style of game of Leo Messi, when having him trained during four seasons in the FC Barcelona and have him suffered also when it directed to the Bayern Munich, in the crossing of semifinals of Champions League of does two campaigns.
The one of Santpedor does not doubt in ensuring that to Leo Messi does not do him lacking run to show his best level, since it is able to know exactly in which moment has to move to achieve his purposes, already was a theft of balloon or an occasion of goal.
"Messi happens the party walking, radiografiando the situation in each instant"
"Fix you in Messi, seems that it was strolling... It perceives that it is only, or when it sees that they watch him, pike to the space and moves away... It happens the party walking, radiografiando the situation in each instant", can read in the quoted passage of "Herr Pep".
The aim of Guardiola against the FC Barcelona the next 19 October in Champions League, therefore, will not be so much the one to brake him but the one to shut him, drown him and presionarle so that, without space, can not think with clarity.
"It is the player that less runs of the Spanish League, but when it arrives him the balloon, has the complete X-ray of the spacetime. It knows where it is all the world... And pam!", self-evident Pep Guardiola on the game of the Argentinian star, giving off a big admiration to him. In fact, Guardiola always has sustained that Lionel Messi is the best player of the world, and of the history.