Leo Messi, greeting after marking a goal with the FC Barcelona


Premium of 50 millions for Messi for renewing with the Barça

Published:5/07/2017 - 12:21h

Updated:5/07/2017 - 12:31h

From the Catalan press begin to reveal details on how has gestado the new renewal of Leo Messi with the FC Barcelona. Still it does not know how much will earn, but yes has trascended a special premium of 50 million euros for renewing

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After it have confirmed officially the renewal of Leo Messi with the FC Barcelona, some means like the newspaper "Sport" have revealed the existence of a special premium by which the Argentinian star will happen to earn a total of 50 million euros in concept of bonus for having renewed, and that will distribute between the 4 years of agreement of the "10".

Like this the things, in addition to the fixed wage of Leo Messi with the Barça -that still has not trascended officially-, the rosarino will receive a special pay that is turning into usual by part of the Barça in the last years, since the past season the club already spent 64 million euros to content to Neymar Jr, Busquets and Mascherano by his respective renewals.

In the economic memory of the past campaign 2015-2016, could read in the point 13.3 of the report of management and audit formed of "Deloitte": "Incidentally, subsequently to 30 June 2016 and prior to the formulation of these annual accounts, the Club has formalised the renewal of 3 agreements with players of the first staff of football that have awarded a gratification of signature of 64 million euros", in reference to the three previously mentioned renewals.

The Barça does not want to put in risk the balance patrimonial

The 50 millions that will earn Leo Messi frame in said political, and the Argentinian star will go them earning in his agreement during the four new years that has of links, until 2021.

It treats of a strategy that carries out the FC Barcelona not to put in risk the balance patrimonial of the club neither the indicator of maximum security (70%) in reference to the mass salarial of the Barcelona, regarding the total income of the club. The question is that, as already it knew , Leo Messi will go back to be one of the better players paid of the world.