Pep Guardiola embraces to Leo Messi after a party of the FC Barcelona


Recommendation of Guardiola to which compare to Leo Messi

Published:13/01/2018 - 23:01h

Updated:14/01/2018 - 03:07h

Although it already does time that separated his ways, Pep Guardiola has not forgotten to Leo Messi. The Catalan devotes praises whenever it can to the crack of the FC Barcelona, and in this occasion has made a special recommendation to which try to compare him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although the Manchester City is giving a lot that speak, is usual that in the press conferences to Pep Guardiola touch him answer some questions on Leo Messi. The admiration that raises the one of the FC Barcelona in the Premier is remarkable, and often look for equivalents to the best player of the world in his own league, something that the Catalan does not see adapted.

And it is that in the previous of the party that will confront to the Liverpool with the 'citizens', the journalists have questioned to the of Santpedor by Mohamed Salah, one of the most brilliant stars of the championship. The Egyptian is living a big season with the English -23 goals and 8 assistances in 29 parties- and with his selection, and many think that will not remain in Anfield by long.

Precisely, the big performances of the forward have cost him some comparisons with Messi, and after demanding his opinion to Guardiola, east has been more than clear: "Have all the respect of the world by Salah, but as I respect him want to help him. It would say him that it try it but that avoid that they compare him with the another boy". It does not entertain too Pep in answering on the Barça, but do not do him fault a lot of words to express his thoughts.

To another level

Although it is clear that there are a lot of players that have stepped to forward in the elite of the world-wide football, speak on Leo Messi is another level. In the last months the Argentinian has gone back to demarrar on his rivals, and is going out to exhibition by party. It does not need neither long neither a lot of effort, but is clear that it is the best.