Leo Messi and Guardiola, embracing in the farewell of Pep of the Barça


The 10 sentences of admiration of Guardiola to Messi

Published:17/10/2016 - 17:09h

Updated:17/10/2016 - 17:09h

The admiration of Pep Guardiola to Leo Messi is so deep that the one of Santpedor, in spite of having trained already to other big clubs like Bayern Munich and Manchester City, always has put to Messi above any another player

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It is not any secret, to these heights, the tremenda admiration that always has profesado Pep Guardiola to Leo Messi, the true secret of all the successes achieved to collective level by the FC Barcelona in the last years, and of the magic stage of splendour during the four seasons that was to the orders of the Catalan technician in the Camp Nou.

Guardiola, now technician of the Manchester City, will confront to the FC Barcelona of Leo Messi this Wednesday in UEFA Champions League, after having it done also does two seasons when it was trainer of the Bayern Munich. In that occasion, the quality of the Argentinian finish decanting clearly the scales to the Barça, with a 3-0 conclusive and the image, in the mind of all the culés, of the hip of Boateng cracking.

It is good moment, therefore, to remember some of the more moving and sincere sentences that has profesado Guardiola along his career like technician to Lionel Messi, the best player of the world and can that of the history, as the one of Santpedor has recalcado some time.

The best sentences of Guardiola on Messi

  • The thought of Guardiola on Messi: "you do not write on him, you do not treat to describe what does; simply look it".
  • 6-4-2010, after a Barça-Arsenal (4-1): "Some time will explain him to my grandchildren that I trained to Leo Messi".
  • 7-3-2012, after a repóker in the Barça-Leverkusen (7-1): "we Have seen one of the most special nights. If a day wants to, will do six. There will be anybody like him. I will not see it. When it appeared I Gave Stéfano, said that there was not anybody like him; it arrived Cryuff and said that there was not anybody like him; it arrived Maradona and said that there was not anybody like him. And it arrived Messi: there will be anybody like him".
  • 20-3-2012, after a "hat-trick" in a Barça-Granada (5-3): "I'm sorry by those who try to occupy his throne, but is impossible: this boy is distinct".
  • 2-5-2013, talk of Guardiola in Buenos Aires: "Diego Maradona was my idol of the infancy. But definitively never I saw to somebody like Messi".
  • 5-5-2015, in the previous of the party of semifinals between Barça and Bayern: "you can not stop to Messi. In the state that is, if you devote you to defend it, do not stop it. The teams come all to defend him, and do not stop it. It is too good".
  • In the book "Pep Guardiola. The metamorphosis": "Messi happens the party walking, radiografiando the situation in each instant".
  • In the book "Pep Guardiola. The metamorphosis": "Messi is the player that less runs of the Spanish League, but when it arrives him the balloon, has the complete X-ray of the spacetime. It knows where it is all the world... And pam!".
  • 3-7-2016, in the presentation of Pep Guardiola like technician of the Manchester City: "you Go to bring to Messi?", it asked a follower of the Manchester City. "No, Messi has to remain in Barcelona the rest of his career".
  • 13-9-2016, after the derbi United-City: " Messi is the best footballer of the competition (Champions League). There is not anybody better that he".