Messi, during a party


The answer of Messi when they asked after him the best player of the world

Published:30/03/2019 - 00:35h

Updated:30/03/2019 - 00:35h

There are few doubts about that Leo Messi is the best footballer of the planet but, when they asked him to him by who thought that was the best (without including ), left a curious answer of which surprised the interviewers

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Leo Messi does not concede too many interviews but, when it does it, does not leave indifferent to anybody. The Argentinian star touched several subjects in a talk conceded to the 'Irradiate 94.7 Club October' in which it analysed his situation with the Argentinian selection, but also answered about questions more personal.

In some point of the conversation, asked after him who was for him the best footballer of the world. The interviewers only put a conditioning: that it did not choose to him same like the best and that decanted by another footballer to elevate it in the podium, since he already was in the highest.

The answer of Leo Messi surprised. The crack Argentinian put to think and finish giving five names: Neymar, Kylian Mbappé, Eden Hazard, Luis Suárez and the 'Kun' Agüero. "Any one of them quietly could be the best of the world", added the forward of the FC Barcelona.

Of course, the answer surprised to the interviewers by not including in his answer to Cristiano Ronaldo, something that remembered him to the moment the presence "of a seven" to the that had not appointed. The reaction of Messi was curious, since it ensured that it had not said it because it considers that it is to his same level.

"I took it out and I put it with me", it said the Barcelona captain, trying go out of the difficulty, something that was applauded by the journalists. However, one of them asked him that if it had been honest or if, by the contrary treated of a deliberate omission. Messi answered of course that it had been honest.

Besides, later, it followed elogiando to Cristiano Ronaldo. "It was beautiful to have it in LaLiga, although it touched me suffer it and see as it raised glasses with the Madrid and gave bronca", sentenced.

Like this it omitted Messi to Ronaldo