The bomb that had prepared in Luxembourg to eat the agreement of Messi
Published:3/02/2021 - 21:53h
Updated:4/02/2021 - 01:53h
As it explains the journalist Joan Vehils, "a chivatazo" of a person of confidence ensured him to the Catalan president that in a bank of Luxembourg had deposited 300 million euros. The same figure of the clause of rescission that appeared in the agreement of Leo Messi
The controversy by the leak of the agreement of Leo Messi with the FC Barcelona, that specifies the maximum figure to perceive in four seasons by the crack Argentinian of 555.237,619 million gross euros, keeps in a candelero to the planet futbolístico. The newspaper The World launched the bomb the past weekend and has bitten the news during the present week. Piece to piece have given to know details of the private document, that has caused reactions in all the barcelonismo. Claro, is to stand out, that the partners and fans have arropado to 'The Flea', the one who is still in the his in the fields of game.
All ask how was possible that will sign a document of such dimension. Although the answer is simple because it treats of the best player of the planet, only argued by Cristiano Ronaldo, the history began in a context complicated for the Barça after finalising the season 2016-17. In this course, the ex-president of the Barcelona entity, Josep Maria Bartomeu, afterwards of a season no so good but that finish with the insufficient conquest of the Glass of the King after the doublet of the previous season and the triplete of the 2015, posed tie up to the Argentinian.
It finished occurring, after a lot of hours of negotiations. Jorge Messi gave the himself final on 29 June of the 2017. It called to Bartomeu and signed, by powers and by mail, an agreement that linked to his son with the Barça during four seasons more. After this day, the calm flooded the offices of the Camp Nou, until it arrived the ray of Neymar, the one who in August by means of his lawyers informed to the club that would deposit 222 million euros so that it concretised his freedom and escaped to the Paris Saint Germain (PSG).
Afterwards of this earthquake, what began to disperse in the environment filled of more anxiety to Bartomeu: the possibility to lose to Messi. As it explains the journalist Joan Vehils, "a chivatazo" of a person of confidence ensured him to the Catalan president that in a bank of Luxembourg had deposited 300 million euros, pertinent of a country of the Gulf, with the purpose of fichar to a footballer. It was the same figure of the agreement of Leo, of his clause of rescission. This rumour did to shiver the legs to all in Can Barça and did not doubt: they called to Jorge Messi.
The change in the agreement of Messi
Bartomeu called to the father of Messi and proposed him go back to renegotiate the agreement. 'I want to go up the clause of 300 millions' said him the president. "They say that Jorge Messi, surprised, accepted, but warned that it would be necessary to improve the figures. And like this it was. The fear to another case Neymar carried to make a new agreement that signed in November and that already knows all the world after the leak the past Sunday", related Vehils.