Leo Messi, object of wish of half world

The Hibei Fortune goes back crazy by Messi

The driven mad and brutal offer of a Chinese club for fichar to Messi

Published:16/12/2016 - 09:18h

Updated:16/12/2016 - 16:07h

The Hebei Fortune would have done a spectacular offer to carry to Leo Messi. Although the Barça would do deaf hearings to this, like the player, the Chineses would treat to convince to the rosarino with Pellegrini in the bench and his fellow Lavezzi in the field

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it informs these days the half "Sky Sports", the multimillionaire instrument Chinese Hebei Fortune would be preparing a driven mad offer to treat to carry to Leo Messi to the Superliga Chinese. A quantity of scandalous money with which would throw the house by the window but that, obviously, will not be accepted.

And this that the Asian group would treat to convince to the ten Barcelona with Manuel Pellegrini in the bench, one of the signings crashes of this season. The same that Ezequiel Lavezzi, big fellow of Leo and better player paid of the planet.

The offer to convince to the of the Rosary would be, neither more neither less, that 500 million euros by five seasons of agreement. Or what is the same, one hundred net millions by season, an authentic atrocity. 

Leo Messi, near to renew by the Barça

In spite of treating of a brutal quantity of money, the idea of Leo keeps on being the one to remain in the Catalan entity. His father Jorge Messi already finds in the city Condal to negotiate and close the agreement that will leave him in the club, practically, until it withdraw of the football of high level.