The extracts more injuriosos of 'Sonatina' against Messi
Published:2/11/2017 - 13:35h
Updated:2/11/2017 - 15:19h
Leo Messi completed a World-wide of Brazil 2014 in which, in spite of that arrived until the final of the tournament with Argentina, was not able to offer his best performance. Alfonso Ussía attacked him with an article of the that collect the parts more injuriosas
Leo Messi won in the last months the demand that had opened against Alfonso Ussía and 'The Reason', after the article injurioso that published in summer of 2014, just when Argentina finish to lose the final of the World-wide of Brazil 2014 and took advantage of from all the estamentos of the 'cavern' mediática Spanish to attack to Leo Messi.
Well, after it have known that Messi donará the 70.000 euros of compensation to the NGO Medical Without Borders, fits to remember some of the most controversial fragments that Ussía devoted to the Argentinian in his publication, and that they were the cause of the querella presented by Messi.
In the first place, and after a free reference to Rubén Darío, Ussía left backwards the lyric of the previous lines to ensure that the attendants to deliver the prize to Better Player of the World-wide 2014 drank "in excess prior to the vote. And they have chosen «Better Footballer of the World-wide of Brazil» to Messi", wrote the columnist of the quoted Madrilenian newspaper.
"Messi has played very bad a World-wide quite bad. And in the final, apart from a failure garrafal, a pass and some carrerita in the first time, went a shadow dispelled, an andarín garbled and a zero to the left. But it is Messi. To having been Messi a sportsman for real, would have delivered him right there the trofeíllo to his mate Mascherano or to any one of his German opponents. But no. It collected the trophy with expression of hastío and anger, and carried it to him to his house. The only new that contributed to the football in the party culminante of the World-wide was his new toupee", can read.
It linked to Messi with the doping?
To continuation, decided to link him indirectly with the doping. "For me, that no longer has age to follow justifying the doses of hormones for the growth and so much he like his doctors have been warned that the growth has arrived to his tope and neither a hormone more. It can be also that it suffer of jealousies of Maradona".
And it is that the 'Lint' also received, and of the beautiful, in the article of Ussía: "Maradona, that is a botarate, a majadero and a clamoroso imbécil, went much better footballer that he, although in some occasion had to expel it of the World-wide for jumping to the field in company of a gram of cocaine. Sucede That Maradona is nicer that Messi, greets and embraces to the boys, speech by the elbows and has forged an indisputable personality in the world of the football, although to this server of you, his personality produce him nauseas", says in the publication.
For afterwards go back to centre in Messi: "What will not be never Maradona is a zero to the left, that seems to constitute the paramount aim of Messi. The better footballer paid of the world has turned into the most expensive of the History, because it does not give back what perceives (...). If we add his party against Holland and the final against Germany, the prize to the wander and to the sobrado carries it to him with plenary and absolute merecimiento. But never the one of Better Player of the World-wide", wrote also Ussía on Messi. Well, now this 'reporter' already has his deserved.