The rajada of To the-Khelaïfi after asks after it the Fair Play Financial of the PSG
Published:12/08/2021 - 01:56h
Updated:12/08/2021 - 01:56h
"We follow the rules of the Fair Play financial from the first day. Before doing any operation our financial team verifies it everything", aseveró the president of the PSG, the one who besides recalcó that: "we would not have fichado to Messi of have not been able to, but had the capacity of ficharle inside the Fair Play Financial because in the PSG always will follow the rules. This is something that do by the club, and also by the city of Paris", sentenced
"For us the arrival of Messi is a fantastic fact, but have not won at all still because this is the start and from now everything begins. I am safe that Leo will give us a lot of successes because have the best staff and to the best players of the world", expressed this Wednesday 11 August Nasser To the-Khelaifi, the president of the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) during the official presentation of the Argentinian footballer, the one who has arrived pertinent of the FC Barcelona to play at the side of very costly players like Sergio Bouquets, Kylian Mbappé, Ángel Gave María and Neymar Jr.
However, in the press conference offered in a room attaches in the Park of the Princes, stadium of the PSG, has denied that they have jumped the Fair Play Financial, although the question has him incomodado to the mandamás of the entity gala, that has established a bond with 'The Flea' until the summer of 2023, with a more optional season. Likewise, equally it has closed him the door of exit to Mbappé of the one who especula could go out course to the Real Madrid Cf.
"We follow the rules of the Fair Play financial from the first day. Before doing any operation our financial team verifies it everything", aseveró the president, the one who besides recalcó that: "we would not have fichado to Messi of have not been able to, but had the capacity of ficharle inside the Fair Play Financial because in the PSG always will follow the rules. This is something that do by the club, and also by the city of Paris", sentenced.
"Mbappé Is player of the PSG and will follow being it (...) He already has said that it does not want to leave the team and will remain . It is Parisian, has mentality of winner and is ours player. It said that it wanted a competitive team and can not have a more competitive team, no longer has excuse to remain with us", highlighted very convinced To the-Khelaifi, although the player, with agreement until the summer of 2022, follows without accepting the offers of renewal by part of the PSG.
Stick to the journalist
"I think that you like press have to centre you in other things, no only in the refusals, but also create in the positive things that brings to the club and can see it throughout: commercially, in the social networks. What say, is that it is a big active for the club. The club has increased in all the graphic commercially. It is incredible and in so alone three days. Maybe it can you deliver the document and go you to remain impressed", said To the-Khelaifi to the journalist that questioned him by the Fair Play Financial and the high mass salarial of the team.