Leo Messi, during the presentation


The reasons why Messi still has a lot left in Barça

Published:3/12/2019 - 17:21h

Updated:3/12/2019 - 19:40h

Leo Messi may speak of withdrawal after winning the Golden Ball, but the reality is that he still has rope to continue long leading FC Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It seems that it was yesterday when this shy Argentinian boy dazzled in the inferior categories of the FC Barcelona. Neither he same could imagine then all what was for arriving, all what his talent would give him to the world of the football. Years after his debut with the first team and after recojer his sixth Balloon of Gold, the world of the sport only can look it like what is: the best footballer of all time.

"This enjoys a lot of more because it goes approaching the withdrawal", said Leo Messi when they delivered him by sixth time this round and golden trophy that accredits him like the best of the year. A sentence that generated stir but that, as everything in this life and especially in the semantic field of the time, can become very relative as so that we scare us.

It is true that Leo Messi already has 32 years and that goes approaching increasingly to the age in which the big stars withdraw . But also it is necessary to take like reference that the captain culé always has said that will follow playing to the football while it seats that his body gives him the sufficient capacity as to follow being to the maximum level.

In this field there are not doubts. Leo Messi carries years reinventing his style of game to keep on being the best season yes and season also. It began being a forward of "me cook it to me, I eat it to me"and like this became the best, but with the step of the time has turned into a man of team, more solidario but with a tremenda intelligence and a talent that follow him keeping like a goleador lethal.

Leo Messi follows being in a state of brutal form and can not say precisely that it have lost the spark. But, in addition to seeing healthy and in a physical state envidiable, without hardly injuries and to a level of formidable game, it is necessary to add that it follows without losing the motivation. It wants titles, wants the Champions League, is hambriento and, while this follow like this, little is necessary to fear to that it decide to leave it.

To Messi remains him rope

We are in front of a footballer that has not lost neither the instinct of goal neither the desborde, although yes it does a reading of the still better game that before. Before it was a footballer that played much more by his account and stood out by played brilliant that he same defined. However, his evolution has carried him to practise a much more collective game that still is more beneficial for the team. In these circumstances, do not put us nervous. Still it remains a lot Messi.