The variables of the agreement of Leo Messi with the FC Barcelona, in detail
Published:31/01/2021 - 09:58h
Updated:31/01/2021 - 12:42h
The newspaper 'The World' has desvelado the last agreement between the Barça and Leo Messi, that surpasses the 500 million euros, and already know all the variables
In his edition of this Sunday, The World has desvelado lace encipher of the last agreement between the FC Barcelona and his captain, Lionel Messi, signed in the 2017, when Josep María Bartomeu was the president of the club. According to the scoop of the Spanish newspaper, the agreement establishes a total income of 555.237.619 euros in four years (until the summer) of which the Argentinian has earned already 92% when having fulfilled the variables stipulated by the entity blaugrana.
After knowing the mount total by which renewed Leo Messi with the Barça, already have jumped to the light the details ofl variable ace that desglosan the payment of the FC Barcelona to his captain and maximum star. In this sense, The World desvela that the labour agreement of Messi with the Barcelona club is of 61.328.520 fixed euros by season, what desglosa in the following variables: 1.656.034 if it plays 60% of the parties, 1.656.034 for classifying to the Champions League (946.305 by the eighth, 1.419.458 by the chambers, 1.419.461 by the semifinals, 1.419.461 if it is finalist and 3.548.644 if it wins it).
By the national competitions, the variables divide in, if it wins LaLiga, ingresa some 2.365.766, whereas if it achieves the Glass of the King obtains 591.442 euros. On the other hand, if Leo Messi wins the prize of the FIFA Best Player, the Barça cancels him 591.442, the same mount that by the Glass. In this section, The World finalises with that the premium of renewal is of 97.941.250 and the premium by fidelity, of 66.240.462.
Agreement of image of Leo Messi
The Argentinian has achieved to turn into the main historical referent of the FC Barcelona, inside and out of the field. His exert, goals and records dressing the Barcelona T-shirt has turned him into the maximum figure of the culés and, of course, was to expect of his agreement by his image in the club went elevated, considering the important that continues being for the Barça in the subject of merchandising, sale of T-shirts and for the same sponsorships of the club.
According to the Spanish newspaper, the mount fixed of the agreement by image of Leo Messi rises to the 10.822.680 by season, what desglosa in the same variables that the labour agreement. In this sense, the star of Rosario perceives 292.241 euros if it plays 60% of the duels by course, same quantity that receives if his team classifies to the phase of groups of the Champions League. To his time, to arrive to the eighth of final, ingresa 166.995, whereas by the chambers, semifinals and remain like finalist wins €250.493. In case that it raise the 'Orejona', obtains 626.231 euros.
Finally, The World desvela that in case to raise the trophy of LaLiga, 'The Flea' great €417.488, whereas by the Glass of Rey and by the FIFA Best Player perceives 104.372 euros. Messi receives an only payment in all the agreement of 17.283.750 by premium of renewal and another of 11.689.493 by fidelity.