Messi and Antonella, just before marrying  in Rosario


They filter one of the craziest moments of the wedding of Messi

Published:2/07/2017 - 00:55h

Updated:2/07/2017 - 01:34h

From it does some hours is running like the gunpowder through the social networks one of the craziest moments "" of the party of Leo Messi and Antonella just after marrying in Rosario. The boyfriends finish dancing to shoulders of the invited

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Through the social networks is turning into viral one of the moments of more desfase of the back party to the wedding of Leo Messi. In the discotheque, to shoulders of some of the commensals, Messi and his wife Antonella Rocuzzo danced to the rhythm of the electronic music seconded by the hundreds of invited, all they with bangles multicolor.

After the special moment of the wedding, the joy and tenderness gave step to the juerga more desenfrenada in earths rosarinas, where Leo Messi, Antonella and all his beings wanted to could enjoy to the big of a tremenda party that lasted until entrance the morning.

In the small sequence that has been filtered by some users through Twitter and other social networks, can observe to Leo Messi and Antonella happening it in big with the invited. One of the big hosts of the back party to the wedding was the Argentinian actor Nico Vázquez, that according to the Catalan press achieved even that some Argentinian players limaran asperezas in the dance floor.

Passions desenfrenadas in the wedding of Messi

The question is that the scene does not do more than confirming that Messi happened it to him in big the night of his wedding, with moments of desfase like the one of the sequence that incluímos, as well as others that still have not gone out to the light.

Barcelona like Neymar Jr, Luis Suárez, Jordi Alba, Gerard Hammered and a lot of other players and ex players were present giving it all also in the dance floor. Special moment, without place to doubts, in the life of Leo Messi.