The one of the Barça will go through the altar
This is the date of the wedding between Leo Messi and Antonella Rocuzzo
Published:10/05/2017 - 12:51h
Updated:10/05/2017 - 12:51h
This Wednesday has given to know the exact day in which Leo Messi and Antonella Rocuzzo will give the "himself, want". Everything in a ceremony of which already know several details, as some of the invited or the place in which sucederá the commitment
If every time it went remaining clearer that there will be wedding in this 2017 between Leo Messi and Antonella Roccuzzo the latest news confirm it. Many were the informations in this regard but now has filtered , through the magazine of the heart "Hello!", when and where it will celebrate the couple his marriage.
Doing case to this information, Roccuzzo and Messi will give the "himself, want" in the hometown of the crack of the FC Barcelona, Rosario. There they will displace familiar and friends to participate in an event that does not expect was announced amid a lot of hype, but it will treat that it was rather intimate.
The date chosen for the link also would have a lot that see with the Barcelona forward. In this case it would be on 30 June, six days after the birthday of the star culé.
Also they know the places of the ceremony Roccuzzo-Messi
The already quoted half digital that contributes this information also gives details on the places where will take place the religious ceremony and the back party. The first will be in The Cathedral of Rosario, whereas the second will organise in the terrains of Dry Brook where resides the tip when it travels to Rosario.
In spite of the intimate of the religious ceremony, the back festivity could gather until to 700 people, as it estimates in "Novelties Already". Between all they will have footballers of all the world, leaders, journalists, personalities of the show and friends of the couple.