Luis Suárez, during a match


Luis Suarez admits that he wants Barça to bring him another '9' to compete

Published:13/11/2019 - 18:09h

Updated:13/11/2019 - 18:09h

Luis Suarez spoke in an interview about his future and left his continuity on FC Barcelona in the air. The Uruguayan striker also said he wanted the club to bring him another '9' to compete for a place in eleven

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Luis Suárez will fulfil in January 33 years and will do it in a moment in which a lot of argue his future in the FC Barcelona. The Uruguayan is putting goals, but this season his game is leaving that wish in the purely futbolístico. In United States demand him like reinforcement in the future and, according to his last words, this could not being so far as it seems.

In an interview to 'Ovation', the '9' of Uruguay affirmed that the requirement of the Barça is enormous and that with his age no longer is so simple to coexist with all what this comports. The one of Jump defended his contribution in the Barcelona group, but also said that it understands that in the club already look for him a replacement.

"The requirement of the Barcelona is immense. Here each three days have to be surrendering an examination, there is not rest, because they do not forgive you not even a bad party. It is not easy to come to play to a club like the Barcelona, adapt and win you your place. It is necessary to value that I carry five years in the club coexisting with the same pressure and always trying answer of the same way. That the club was looking for or want to bring another number 9 is not at all odd, is the reality of the football", ensured.

At the same time that said this, confirmed that it goes to arrive a point in which his age do not allow him give him to the team what precise. Andn the Barça no voucher anything and if the tip is not to the level elite that demand the barcelonistas, will be another '9' the one who play in his place. Suárez understands it, but signals that it still is struggling so that this late in suceder. The Uruguayan thinks that the competition will help him to be followed litigating and will be good for all.

"Already I said it it does time, goes to arrive a time in that my age does not go me allow be to the height of what requires the Barcelona to compete, but while it can, while have the strength, that bring me competition is much better. It will be better for me because it will demand me, will be better for the club because it will feed the competition and will be better for the future because they will be able to go preparing to a footballer with the help of all the big players that has the Barcelona", confirmed.

The recado to which spoke of his injury

Finally, the attacker left him a recado to the media that glided that his last injury was a relapse of the sóleo. "There are people that knows more than my doctors of the Barcelona, because they announced an injury that was not, confusing it with the previous", concluded an annoying Suárez.