

Luis Suárez: "We are not accustomed to play with so much heat in summer"

Published:4/06/2020 - 15:10h

Updated:4/06/2020 - 15:10h

Luis Suárez already trains with the rest of his mates in the FC Barcelona, and will receive the medical OK to play against the Mallorca. The Uruguayan has spoken on his good feelings

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The forward charrúa of the FC Barcelona, Luis Suárez, has conceded an interview to the official web of the club in which it has spoken on his feelings in these last weeks, on his recovery, the confinement by fault of the coronavirus and the turn of LaLiga Santander 2019-20, to fault already of few days so that the Barça travel to Sound Moix and restart the championship against the Mallorca.

Luis Suárez already is recovered of his injury and trains beside the rest of his mates from does some days, something that fills him of joy waiting for receiving the high official doctor. "Very well, adapting me at the beginning to what is to go back to train with the mates, going little by little and obviously that after the turn of an injury costs because you are with some fear, but already enjoying to train with the mates", recognises.

The pandemia of the coronavirus will allow him go back to play with the Barça this same season 2019-20, although the Uruguayan gladdens that the situation in Spain have gone improving and already hardly give deaths. "I lost me some parties less but does not remove the difficult situation that are living, already to measure that goes happening the time goes normalising but with the misfortune of the deaths that already happened. Little by little we can go back to enjoy of our lives and see to the boys can go back to go out to stroll does us very happy", ensures.

"Will have something peculiar the to play in stadiums without people, but will have to adapt us"

The confinement was difficult for all, especially for the families with small boys as in his case. "Difficult, because as all know with the boys is very complicated, and more with the daily tasks that commanded them in the school. There is a lot of people that has happened it worse by different circumstances, but also there were a lot of people to help and seeing what spent the day to day, training of the form that one could home and expecting that it decided something to be able to go back to the normality".

It is happy with the fact that it go back LaLiga, although has clear that the players will have to adapt to conditions to which are not accustomed, like the fact to play without public in the terracings or with the heat of the summer. "It is a mix of all because we are not accustomed to play with so much heat in midsummer, but for something are adapting us and the team is acclimating for what are the parties and play with this heat. Regarding the public will have something peculiar the to play in stadiums without people, but will have to adapt us, already touched me play a party without public in an occasion and well will treat to focus us in the football and treat to win the parties to be able to carry us the League, that is what want".

Luis Suárez wants to make history with the Barça

Próximamente Will have the opportunity to surpass to Kubala in the ranking of goleadores historical of the club, something that fills him of pride. "Always I said that the records or the challenges come by himself alone, and what it is necessary to do is to centre you in helping to the team, but if it comes the possibility to happen to a historical as it is Kubala welcome was and like this can leave a footprint in a so big club like the Barcelona".

Luis Suárez, in definite, shows happy by how has gone the recovery of his injury and is decided to enjoy the opportunity to play more split this campaign 2019-20, with the will to help to the team in the conquest of the titles of League Santander and Champions League. With his goals, assistances and competitive character, the Barcelona forward wins an important 'plus' in these last official meetings.