Marc Bartra, just before a friendly with Spain

It cut his evolution

Marc Bartra shoots with bullet against Luis Enrique

Published:12/07/2016 - 16:24h

Updated:12/07/2016 - 16:24h

The central of the Barça spoke of his situation in the Barcelona group the past season. Of the most polite way, Marc Bartra left to fall several "pullas" against his ex trainer Luis Enrique for which "left to explain"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Always modélico in his performances on the terrain of game and far of east, there is not any bad word, reply or exit of everything that have starred the canterano and ex player of the FC Barcelona Marc Bartra. The new signing of the Borussia of Dortmund spoke on his exit of the team of his loves and left to fall that the fault has it the trainer Luis Enrique, the one who left to have he does year and half.

"When I debuted with Pep felt his confidence. Tito decided that it remained me in the first team. With Tata played practically 30 parties that gave me the option to go with the selection. I was of ascending form until it arrived Luis Enrique. I began well with him, but afterwards I left to explain. It was a year and half hard for me. The míster had other priorities. I respected his decision and held to the end", explained for "Radius Marks Catalonia". Bartra Confirmed does weeks that did not speak with the entrandor before his exit.

"I darse that perhaps or debái be so insistent with the Barça"

The defender went back to appreciate the support of the directive but left clear that futbolísticamente no valued him . "I do not want to go in in details. The technical body and the president showed me that they wanted to that it was in the Barça. But a thing is to be and another thing is to feel you valued. There were moments of the season in that it did not explain at all. The offer of the Dortmund did me a lot of illusion. It will give me continuity, that is the most important", said trusted.

Also it spoke of the worst moment that lived in these years, the day of the Classical to the that was not summoned. "One of the moments was to go back of the selection, of a party against England of the that went out very happy, and remain me desconvocado of face to the Classical. In this moment darse that perhaps or debái be so insistent with the Barça. To the players likes us play. But there is a trainer that commands and always have respected it. Can go me with the very high head", develó the central.

Finally, the Catalan concluded saying that it only thinks in the team "phosphorite": "Only I think in the Dortmund and debut there. I am four years old of agreement. The best to have a good future is to think in the present. I go to go to by all. I am traspasado, am not in no man's land. The Borussia did not want to accept option of purchase".