Óscar Mingueza in the Classical in front of the Madrid


Mingueza confesses before the final: His work, growth, future...

Published:16/04/2021 - 11:31h

Updated:16/04/2021 - 11:31h

Óscar Mingueza confessed in an interview just one day before the final of the Copa del Rey. The youth squad was happy for his season, talked about his future and opened up about his growth as a footballer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Óscar Mingueza has been one of the big disclosures of the season in the FC Barcelona. The canterano took advantage of the minutes that gave him Ronald Koeman by the plague of injuries in the axis of the defence and has finished doing a gap in the eleven. In the Classical against the Real Madrid of the past weekend was headline and the canterano recognised in an interview for 'Sportive World' that never had thought can play and mark in a meeting like this.

"If they say it to me does some months no create it to me, but is a reality now. A Classical that it was a penalty have not won", affirmed. Nevertheless, already it thinks in the final of the Glass of Rey, where could be again title. "We are focused in the final of Glass. We will try to come with the title home", indicated, leaving clear that respects a lot to the Athletic Club and that it is conscious of the difficulty of the duel.

"We know that the Athletic is a very powerful team, with fast and strong players. They go well in the aerial game, to the back… Is a very complete team and will have to be very attentive. We have played several times and has put us always the difficult things, but will try to do our game. We try to analyse very what do and adapt us a bit to his game, but especially have our personality to the hour to defend and attack.", it insisted.

On the other hand, it recognised that it has worked a lot mentally, futbolísticamente, tácticamente and physically to become the player that is now. "I come already doing a lot of work. Changing my fitness, trying take volume, taking care my feeding, the hours of dream. I have been more strict. And I have focused me a lot in the tactical subject, reviewing the parties, analysing my played to improve. Afterwards technically always I try to progress in the trainings and afterwards also have tried to improve the mentality: the subject of the aggressiveness, look for a positive part when the party does not go well, a motivation to transmit it to the team…

In this sense, admitted that it carries time going to the psychologist and defended the use of the psychology in the sport of elite. "When I gave the jump to the Barça B and the things did not go well, recommend me go to a preparador physical and, especially, assist to something that had not listened a lot: a sportive psychologist that has helped me a lot in my way. In other sports like tennis or golf, individual sports, perhaps is more integrated. But can help you also in collective sports. Personally it has helped me a lot", it stood out.

Mingueza Does not clear the doubts on his future

Finally, it spoke of his future and left to fall that it is had to go to a good team of First if it does not be still in the Barça. "Himself That look forward to to be in some team of First, if it can be in the top. After all one wants to play in the best teams and the truth that am happy here", signalled, to finish leaving clear that it wants to remain in the Barcelona, but that is not in his hands. "All the world dreams with being in the Barça. The subject of agreement already will speak and is thing of my representatives. I am centred in playing", finalised.