New message from Gerard Piqué about Leo Messi
Published:2/10/2020 - 13:04h
Updated:3/10/2020 - 12:00h
Gerard Hammered, head office of the FC Barcelona, spoke on Leo Messi in some statements made this Tuesday. Besides, also it did it on his team, the Andorra
Leo Messi has been one of the big protagonists of the summer since it commanded a burofax to the FC Barcelona to ask the rescission of his agreement to be able to change of airs without that his new club had to pay. From the Camp Nou, denied to lose to his fuselage insignia and finally the Argentinian star had to resignarse to remain in the team culé although, as it is showing, has not lost the ambition.
This same week, Leo Messi buried the axe of war and made some conciliatory statements in which it asked pardon if his forms had bothered to the barcelonismo and ensured that it follows engaged to the one hundred by one hundred with the FC Barcelona in spite of all what sucedió in summer. Gerard Hammered, Barcelona head office, also spoke on 'the flea'.
"Leo Messi went out one and is very difficult that go out another"
It did it in statements to the journalist Manolo Safe for the portal 'futbolcatalunya.com'. Gerard Hammered considered that Leo Messi is only and that the parents do not have to pretend that his children are as the Argentinian. "I do not think that it have to give councils in this sense, only say that here it would have to prevail form people and that compete with education and respect. Messi went out one and is very difficult that go out another", said.
Gerard Hammered also spoke like president and maximum shareholder of the Andorra, to the that wants to carry to Second Division. In this sense, does not understand that only there is a representative of the Catalan football in First and three in Second. "It is difficult to understand, but is like this, the Catalan group of 2ªB is the one of more level and this would have to represent that every year they went up one or even two teams, this year has gone up the Sabadell, to see if the next goes up also the Andorra and any more", manifested.
Besides, Gerard Hammered was asked after if it sees in a future chairing to the FC Barcelona, in addition to to the Federació Catalan. In this sense, the Barcelona defence decided to throw balloons was and leave clear that it wants to be still in the football in active. "This now does not touch, already will see in a future, now touches to keep fit and continue enjoying of the FC Barcelona", sentenced.
A key player for Ronald Koeman
After the disaster of the FC Barcelona in Champions League against the Bayern of Munich, Gerard Hammered offered to abandon the FC Barcelona if it considered that it did not have to follow. Nevertheless, Ronald Koeman left him clear that had he like an important player and, by the moment, the Catalan defence is answering with a very good performance, in the line of what carries years offering.
The assistance of Messi to Hammered against the Lyon