Cristian Tello, during a party played with the Fiorentina


Novelties regarding the future of Cristian Tello

Published:17/06/2016 - 11:51h

Updated:17/06/2016 - 11:51h

The attacker of the FC Barcelona yielded to the Fiorentina, Cristian Tello, wants to remain in the group "violates" the next season, but in the last days a team of the Premier League, the Southampton, would have interested by him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

If something is clear in relation to the future of Cristian Tello, is that it seems very unlikely that return to the FC Barcelona in the short term. Luis Enrique does not have he in the staff of the first team, whereas the one of Sabadell neither is by the work to go back to the Camp Nou, conscious that the presence on top of Messi, Neymar and Suárez would subtract him a big quantity of minutes.

Already it has gone through this, and would have intention to remain a season more in the Fiorentina, was as yielded or traspasado, when being very to taste in the group "violates" and have the confidence of the trainer, Paulo Sousa. From his arrival to Florencia in the past market of winter, Cristian Tello has played 15 parties of the Series To, 13 of them like titling, and has annotated two goals, showing besides very good performances that have convinced to the fans and all the estamentos of the Italian team.

The Fiorentina travelled does some days to Barcelona to try recess his traspaso by less than the nine million euros that are prefixed in the agreement of cession or, at least, lengthen his cession to the Italian entity. For the moment, however, there is not agreement in sight with the Barça. The young footballer, that has agreement in the Barça until 2018, would have also interesting offers of other clubs.

"MD" ensures, in fact, that emissaries of the Southampton would have presented also in Barcelona during the last hours to try achieve the signing of Cristian Tello. The FC Barcelona could take out nine or more million euros by the footballer, and the main condition of the Southampton is that it can pay the total of the operation in comfortable terms. In any case, desconoce if the one of Sabadell will want to change the Series To by the Premier League, after having settled in Florencia after his go through Port wine.