
The goalkeeper already is in Barcelona

OFFICIAL: Cillessen happens medical review and confirms his signing

Published:25/08/2016 - 12:45h

Updated:25/08/2016 - 15:16h

The new guardameta of the FC Barcelona already has happened the corresponding medical review to his signing. Besides, Jasper Cillessen also announced his arrival sharing a photography dressing the T-shirt of the team blaugrana

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Jasper Cillessen has announced in the morning of this Thursday his signing by the FC Barcelona when publishing, in his social networks, a photography with the T-shirt of the team blaugrana. The international Dutch arrived this same day to the installations of the Barcelona team of Sant Joan Despí where already has happened the medical review. The new guardameta of the Barça flew direct from Russia to the City Condal.

Happy in his new club, the goalkeeper was the first in going up this instantaneous with the camsieta of goalkeeper of the entity culé. An instantaneous that accompanied with the following text: "When the dreams do reality". Besides, it remembered his previous clubs Of Treffers, NEC and Ajax.

As it indicates the own FC Barcelona, his presentation and first press conference like player blaugrana will give it next Friday. It stood out also that the put wrote his message in English and in perfect Spanish accompanied of the hashtag #MesQueUnClub.

The Dutch of 27 years will sign an agreement for the next five seasons. Besides, the Barcelona club will pay thirteen million euros to the Ajax more two in variables by his pass, with a clause of rescission of 60 "kilos". Cillessen Went of the team "ajaccied" with very bad flavour of mouth after falling goleado in front of the Rostov.