Luis Suárez, during a training | FC Barcelona


OFFICER: Luis Suárez is discharged!

Published:6/06/2020 - 13:30h

Updated:6/06/2020 - 17:33h

Almost six months after having operated the knee, Luis Suárez has received the high medical. The Uruguayan forward will be smart to play against the Mallorca

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The past month of January, just after the FC Barcelona fell deleted of the Supercopa of Spain against the Athletic of Madrid, Luis Suárez had to be taken part of the external meniscus of the right knee the past month of January. Almost six months afterwards, the Barcelona club has announced that the ariete of Jump has received the high medical and is available to go back to play.

"147 days after announcing that it would have to go through the operating theatre, the Uruguayan forward already has the seen well of the Medical Services of the Club and will be able to be to disposal of Quique Setién in the return of the competition, next Saturday 13 June in the Mallorca - Barça", prayed the official communiqué that the FC Barcelona has published this Saturday to the midday, a week before the return of LaLiga Santander.

The press release of the Barcelona group also remembered the dance of dates of the operation. "It is necessary to remember that Suárez had to be taken part by means of an arthroscopy the past 12 January with the end to solve an injury in the external meniscus of the right knee. The last party that played was against the Athletic of Madrid, in the semifinals of the Supercopa of Spain of the past month of January", said the text.

It remembers, besides, that the Uruguayan trains with the group from principles of the month of May. "After more than four months of drop, the Uruguayan already has the high medical and will be able to face the final stretch of the competition. It began to train with normality with the return of the activity to the Sportive City, on 8 May. Like this, it turns into a reinforcement of luxury for Quique Setién", sentence.

The true is that, without Luis Suárez, Quique Setién arrived to the FC Barcelona with an important disadvantage with regard to his predecessor Ernesto Valverde. Now, the Cantabrian technician will have of a lethal tool in attack that, whereas it was well physically, went the maximum second goleador of the team after Leo Messi. It expects him, then , with the open arms.

The feelings of Luis Suárez

In some recent statements​ for 'Sport', Suárez regretted the world-wide crisis caused by the coronavirus although it admitted that, to personal level, this situation will carry him to be able to reappear to help to his mates. "Partly the coronavirus helped me to win time in my recovery, go to be able to contest parties that had not been able to play, very happy by this part but it is necessary to see the negative part also with all the situation that a lot of people is living nowadays", said.