Pedri confesses: His connection with Messi, his irruption, the national team...
Published:18/03/2021 - 12:45h
Updated:18/03/2021 - 13:20h
Pedri spoke in an interview about his first season at FC Barcelona. The canary referred for example to his relationship on the field with Leo Messi and how he sees the Argentine. In addition, he also made it clear what his preferred position is
Pedri Is being the big disclosure of the Spanish football this season. The Canarian is to his 18 years one of the players with more projection of Europe and is to title in all a FC Barcelona. In 'The Club of the Sportsman', skilled magazine in sports, as his name indicates, have wanted to know more than him and have done him an interview in which the '16' has spoken on his connection with Leo Messi, with which looks forward to to play a lot of more years.
"Play with Messi is easy because when you give it to him to him know that they go to happen things. What treat to do always is to give it in the best conditions so that it was the most beneficial for the team. Ojalá Can be near of him several years. It would be genial that could enjoy of Messi and learn a lot of things to his side", affirmed, for afterwards explain what felt when it knew him and began to play with him.
"When it was at the side of him it hit me a lot when seeing it. To see it in the television or in a video game…almost no believed it to me", stood out. Besides, changing by entirely of subject, the mediapunta recognised to be very thrilled in front of his recent announcement with the Spanish selection. "For me it is a prize that face with many win and illusion. I go back to say that I will try that it went like playing in the square of the village but with the red T-shirt of Spain", aimed.
On the other hand, it referred to the odd episode of his injury against the Seville, of which recovered miraculously in two days. "I am well. At the beginning, it seemed much more of what went. I went out with a lot of pain and was concerned, but at the end remained in a fright. It feared that it went an injury that carried me to be stopped a time because it hurt me a lot and the zone, the knee, is complicated. But in 48 hours could recover me. It was a small miracle", declared.
Besides, it left clear that did not expect his irruption in the Barça when it arrived of The Palms. "The truth is that no expected it to me for nothing. I had the luck that the míster of The Palms, Pepe Mel, was giving me minutes, but come to a so big team like the FC Barcelona and well, I thought in doing the pre-season, and see if it could remain me and follow working to be able to have the maximum possible minutes. But what am living for me is a surprise", admitted.
Pedri Insists in his position preferred
Finally, it insisted by enésima time that in spite of his polivalencia, his favourite position is the one of mediapunta. "I always have said that the position where more has liked me play is the one of mediapunta. Be behind the forward, can give this last pass that so much likes me, that is the position that would choose. But I am here for what say the míster and to play in the position that was", finalised, leaving him clear to Ronald Koeman that it can put him in any one of the positions of the centre of the field.