Piqué talks with Tebas and asks him for more time to train before LaLiga
Published:11/05/2020 - 00:09h
Updated:11/05/2020 - 00:09h
Gerard Piqué and Javier Tebas have shared an interview in 'El Partidazo de Vamos', and the catalan has talked about Barça's return. Thinking about the restart of LaLiga, he has asked the president for more time to train
After several months of uncertainty, the clubs of LaLiga have gone back to train, and already prepare to restart the campaign 2019-20. The crisis of the coronavirus still does not have desactivado completely, and his peculiar 'pre-season' is marked by the cautions and a strict protocol of security. In spite of the limitations, this yes, the optimism keeps because there are many win to be able to go back to play.
This weekend have coincided two protagonists of the championship in an interview in 'The Partidazo of Go', that has returned to his plató. Javier Thebes and Gerard Hammered have shared a conversation in which the Catalan ensures to be concienciado with the current situation: "The Barça has explained it to us all very well, for now the experience goes well, are comfortable, although it is distinct, better train in group".
"All measure of caution is good, there are a lot of people that has fear or respect to the virus, it is necessary to know and fulfil the protocol, if we do it all, has to go well, have to protect our health", has added the defender of the FC Barcelona, that has explained that approves the effort that are doing the authorities, that try conjugar the needs of all with a turn to the clearly atypical work.
In spite of expressing his convencimiento, the Barcelona captain has made a request to the president of LaLiga, further of a recovery of the parties that sees logical and just: "there are a lot of interests, I understand the one of the League for finishing because there is a lot at stake. Play without public is not what likes us, but finish the League without playing more, although we are leaders, also would be ugly. Has felt what is doing the League".
"I have listened to Javier speak to go back to play the day 12, is only a month, without friendly, that think it for the sake of the show and that there are not injuries, if I can contribute my granite of sand, some days more would not come us badly", has recognised, aiming to that the current forecast, that rondaría the four weeks before facing the official commitments, could remain short regarding physical preparation.
The canterano of the Barça has added that it can not give a lot of details of how carries it Leo Messi because hardly they have crossed , and in addition to trusting that if they win some title, can celebrate with embraces and total normality, has appreciated the delay of the concentration that could mark the sessions grupales: "it Is a delicate subject for the players, a month or month and half was too for many. For which do case and fulfil all the protocol, is hard and difficult not being with the family. If this can avoid or reduce, would appreciate it".
I hammered it expects a stop for his Glass Davis
Further of the comments on LaLiga, Hammered has recognised that expects a stop for his Glass Davis, since in these moments the obligation to contest the clashes to enclosed door is a practically insuperable obstacle: "there is a lot of incerteza, try to be to the so much of what says the Government, the CSD, am pessimistic, because Davis without public is not the same. To measure that happen the days there will be more clarity on the subject. We follow working, but is complicated, prepared are just in case"