Sergio el 'Kun' Agüerro would like to leave Barça this summer!
Published:6/08/2021 - 23:16h
Updated:7/08/2021 - 00:23h
The departure of Messi from Barça has been a jug of cold water for the Barça dressing room, especially for Agüero, who had signed for the club to share a dressing room with Leo
The hit of the exit of Leo Messi of the FC Barcelona has been very strong for all the fans of the Barcelona club. From the changing room still try to assimilate it, but is a change of script importantísimo and that changes completely the plans to short and long term, because all turned around the figure of the 'crack' Argentinian. Now, the Barça will live a process of 'reeconstrucción' and can that they lose to one of his key pieces.
Sergio Agüero has been one of the players that have remained in shock after the news of the divorce Messi-Barça, especially because it arrived to the City Condal to fulfil his dream to play beside his big fellow and compatriot. That had been one of the 'promises' so that it finished recalando in the Camp Nou and, in front of the disappointment, now his plans would be very distinct.
The disappointment and surprise is absolute and in Argentina have desvelado that Agüero has the intention to abandon Barcelona this same summer, so alone some months after turning into player blaugrana. In the program 'The Goal' of 'BTV Esports' have desvelado that the Argentinian attacker would want to abandon the discipline culé because it is very angered "" with the club after not fulfilling the promise that it would play with Leo in the Camp Nou.
In concrete, have informed that "the Kun Agüero is very angered with the FC Barcelona. The reason of the anger is that the Barça promised to the Argentinian that would play with Leo Messi if fichaba by the Barcelona club".
— btv esports (@btvesports) August 6, 2021
? SCOOP @Laporteriabtv | The footballer argentí i els seus advocats estan buscant the formula per sortir of the Barça
? T'expliquem els motius Of the decisió of the Kun https://t.co/tkjssnwwjs
The lawyers already move
The journalist of the half Argentinian, Marc Marbà, has explained that the lawyers of the ex of the Manchester City, that arrived to the Barça like free agent, are reviewing the agreement and the clauses that the 'Kun' signed does so alone some months to find a road of leakage of the team, because that would be his big intention right now.
In 'The Porteria' have left clear that the future of Agüero in the Barça "does not paint well" and that the next hours will be keys to decide his future. It will be very difficult that achieve an exit, since has agreement until the summer of 2023 with a clause of rescission of 100 million euros.