Matthijs de Ligt and Frenkie de Jong, during a training with Netherlands


The situation of De Jong in Barça contrasts with the one of De Ligt in Juventus

Published:18/11/2019 - 13:19h

Updated:18/11/2019 - 13:19h

While Frenkie de Jong has been important since the first moment in FC Barcelona and accumulates praises for his performance, Matthijs de Ligt is being criticised and has a lot of pressure of the Italian press

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When they coincide in the concentration of Holland are happy, smile and share the confidences that before lived daily in the Ajax. When they separate , the life is another thing for Matthijs of Ligt. To the central youngster is costing him horrors fit in the Juventus of Turín, all the contrary that a Frenkie of Jong able to be headline from the first day in the FC Barcelona and, besides, surpass in performance to the majority of his mates.

Two of the greater promises of the Dutch football cross opposite situations. Although the criticisms have gone losing strength with the step of the weeks, the performances of Of Ligt are being analysed with lupa by the Italian press, something logical if we take into account that the Juventus has a tradition of defenders practically inigualable, and the one of Leiderdorp aspires to be the successor of Chiellini in the short term.

The central Dutch has gone improving his performance with the step of the time, but his starts in the 'Vecchia Signora' have been what less complicated. It has played 12 parties, 9 of Series To and 3 of Champions League. In three parties remained in the bench, whereas another could not it play by fault of some physical problems. It accumulates 810 minutes in the Series To and 270 in League of Champions, something that is not at all badly for a recently arrived but that, treating of the greater defensive promise of the world, knows to little.

Regarding Frenkie of Jong, has played 16 parties already with the FC Barcelona (15 of them going out to title), that divide in 12 of League and 4 of Champions. Still it has not happened a complete party in the bench, neither neither has lesionado. His performance, besides, has kept him in the eleven of Valverde and has served him for enamorar to the Catalan and Spanish press.

It accumulates 948 minutes in League Santander and 360 in Champions League, having it played everything in the European competition. It has marked besides a goal, although it treats of an unimportant data taking into account that the main virtue of Of Jong is the distribution of balloon, the balance that contributes to the half field and the capacity that has to break lines until communicating with the forwards.

Of Ligt: Errors, penaltis and fault of forcefulness backwards

Of Jong has not starred any error of bulto with the Barça, all the contrary that Of Ligt. The ex defender of the Ajax already has marked some goal in own door, has committed penaltis incomprehensible touching the balloon with the hands (in front of Lecce and Bolonia) and has generated doubts by his fault of forcefulness to the hour to try clear the danger of his area, and for losing sometimes the position.

Maurizio Sarri has condemned him to the bench in parties that theoretically had to play (as in front of Verona and Genoa), and can say that the Dutch defender is suffering a pressure mediática at all comparable to the one of Frenkie of Jong, for the one who all are vítores and praises. It would have gone him better to Of Ligt if it had signed by the FC Barcelona? Never we will know it.

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