Ter Stegen, covering the sunlight of the face with a glove


Ter Stegen Closes 2017 like the best goalkeeper of the world

Published:27/12/2017 - 00:23h

Updated:27/12/2017 - 00:48h

The German archer of the FC Barcelona, Marc-André Ter Stegen, has consecrated in this year 2017 like the best goalkeeper of the world. In the actuality there is not any guardameta able to offer the guarantees that gives Ter Stegen low sticks

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Party after party, week by week, month by month, Ter Stegen has gone confirming during this 2017 that already is the best goalkeeper of the world. The youngster guardameta German of 25 years has eclosionado finally to base of spectacular performances and of an astounding regularity, that carried him to finish the past campaign of form memorable and to begin the current to a sublime level, hardly mejorable.

Ter Stegen Has turned into the second player more determinant of the FC Barcelona. The first is Leo Messi, and the second is he with his unemployed, his game of feet and his intelligence to the hour to calculate his exits, intercepciones and positioning. To base of titularities and experience, Ter Stegen has confirmed what already aimed since Zubizarreta fixed in him in the rows of the Mönchengladbach.

That was allocated to turn into one of the best goalkeepers of the world, and can that of the history in function of if it achieves to keep the competitive level and accompany him the titles, so much with the FC Barcelona as with the selection of Germany.

A 'Mannschaft', by the way, where already is indisputable headline of face to the World-wide of Russia 2018, taking into account the last injuries of Manuel Neuer and the fact that the Barcelona already is by on his regarding provision on the lawn.

Ter Stegen Does not have ceiling

Of Gea, Oblak and Courtois could appoint like the others three goalkeepers that would contest to Ter Stegen the throne of better goalkeeper of the world. However, of them so only Oblak keeps some statistics that asemejan to the ones of the germano, and Ter Stegen has showed besides be more determinant that the esloveno in the results of his team, to base of direct interventions in the game.

Of face to the year 2018 that is about to to begin, Ter Stegen wishes to follow learning, progressing and purchasing an experience that serve him to be even more important in the FC Barcelona and in Germany. The talent and the virtues has them. Now, it has to follow improving them.