The 1x1 of the FC Barcelona against the CD Leganés
Published:17/09/2016 - 15:53h
Updated:17/09/2016 - 16:02h
The FC Barcelona contested a big party in general lines against the Leganés, although in the first-half cost that the tactical revolution of Luis Enrique carburara because of the high offensive pressure of the contrary players
The FC Barcelona cuajó a very complete meeting against the Leganés in League Santander this Saturday, in spite of the initial problems to the hour to take out the balloon controlled from backwards. The ones of Luis Enrique cleared to the Madrilenian to base of contragolpes and, especially, thanks to the magic of Leo Messi, Neymar Jr and Luis Suárez in the flank of attack. All the pieces carburaron of correct form and there was time also for a golazo of Rafinha Alcántara from out of the area. This is the assessment of the players:
Eleven initial of the Barça:
Ter Stegen: Distributor
The German was vital to the hour to try go out with the balloon played from backwards, because of the high pressure of the Leganés. It was very sure at all times in the game of feet, although had the bad luck to receive a goal of fault in the second half.
Samuel Umtiti: Veteran
The French seems that it carry all the life playing in the FC Barcelona. In front of the Leganés went back to cuajar an excellent performance, saving a goal in the first-half and stealing a lot of balloons, so much in the pressure as in the coverages and the aerial game.
Mascherano: Guerrero
The Argentinian cuajó a party very regulate in which it was always attack in the cut and in the helps to his mates. In the first-half, however, cost him something take out the balloon and had to resort to Gerard Hammered and Samuel Umtiti.
Gerard Hammered: Displicente
I hammered it went back to fulfil with a big party against the Leganés, exerting of marshal of the FC Barcelona in defence and hartándose to steal balloons. It cost him connect with the centre of the field, especially at the beginning of the crash.
Rafinha Alcántara: Goleador
Rafinha deleitó To the fans of the FC Barcelona, and of the good football in general, with an amazing golazo from out of the area that coló by the square of the goal of Serantes. Besides, it generated danger and knew to connect very well with the ones of up.
Ivan Rakitic: Omnipresente
The Croat always was where needed him and when it needed him . It saw a yellow card for cutting a contragolpe of the Leganés and in the second part was substituted, by what will be to title against the Athletic.
Andrés Iniesta: Metronome
The one of Fuentealbilla exerted of Xavi Hernández in the centre of the field, distributing the balloon with criterion, holding perfectly the pressure of the Leganés and connecting with the "MSN", although this time did not incorporate a lot to the attack.
Neymar Jr: Regateador
Neymar Is a lover of the dribles, even when the party already is sentenced. It took out of his boxes to several players of the Leganés with his incorporations to the attack and marked one of the goals of the FC Barcelona to pass of Luis Suárez.
Luis Suárez: Pichichi
The Uruguayan saw again door in the field of the Leganés and, empatado with Messi, already is the "Pichichi" provisional of the League Santander 2016-17 with four goals in four parties. Besides, it delivered two assistances.
Leo Messi: MVP
The Argentinian gave a pass of goal to Luis Suárez after a played amazing in which it went of several contrary players, and besides annotated a "doublet" thanks to a second goal of penalti, caused by Neymar.
Going out from the bench:
Paco Alcácer: Maladjusted
To the Valencian still remain him some trainings and more split to finish to adapt to the tip of attack of the FC Barcelona. It fulfilled with his paper in the second half and marked, but cancelled it to him by offside.
Burn Turan: Fighter
It burn it struggled by each balloon in the centre of the field and, although no prodigó too much in attack, knew to connect with his mates up and stole some balloons.
Denis Suárez: Invisible
Denis played some minutes in the second half, but hardly touched balloon and saw him something disappeared in the game, that no longer was for a lot of show with all the fish sold in Butarque.