Arturo Vidal, during a warming


The underlying reasons of Arturo Vidal to denounce Barça

Published:28/12/2019 - 19:20h

Updated:28/12/2019 - 19:20h

Arturo Vidal denounced FC Barcelona for the alleged non-payment of some variables of his contract. The Chilean could have reasons beyond debt to report

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Arturo Vidal, beside his representatives and his lawyers, would have interposed a complaint against the FC Barcelona by the supposed non-payment of 2,4 million euros in concept of bonus by the past campaign 2018-19. From the Catalan club interprets that all the relative payments to the past campaign already are cleared and could have reasons further that the economic.

From some sectors, already especula with that the complaint of Arturo Vidal is not more than a manoeuvre to force his exit of the FC Barcelona. It is of leftovers known the proposal that the Chilean midfield player has on the pertinent table of the Inter of Milan and the true is that the footballer would see with good eyes leave to the Italian group.

The '22' of the FC Barcelona already has desvelado in numerous occasions his discomfort by not being usual headline in the team of Ernesto Valverde -in the present season, until the moment, only has been of the game in six occasions- and even has left to fall that it could ask leave this same month of January if his situation did not change.

Arturo Vidal follows without strengthening in the eleven and knows of leftovers that in the Inter of Milan all would change a lot. Antonio Conte, technician of the group lombardo, already had him in the Juventus of Turín and demands his arrival to turn into him indisputable of his alignments. In this sense, the Chilean knows that, in Giuseppe Meazza, would recover leadership and would litigate by the Series To Italian and the Europe League.

In Italy, besides, the taxation is much more favourable that in the Spanish state, by what Arturo Vidal also would finish benefiting of his course in the economic plane, in addition to in the sportive. In this way, it is not any secret that the midfield player is presionando to the Barcelona directive so that it accept the proposal of the Inter and leave him leave.

The course of Vidal, a subject complicated

In spite of that Arturo Vidal is not to title usually for Ernesto Valverde​, yes that it is considered an important footballer like revulsivo and to play depending of the type of rival. Thus, from the club is adherent of not accepting the offer of the Inter, that could become of 20 million euros.