The changing room of the Barcelona regrets the mofas to Douglas
Published:26/09/2016 - 08:41h
Updated:26/09/2016 - 08:41h
The players of the FC Barcelona would be something upset with the criticisms and pranks poured to Douglas Pereira during the last times, mainly of part of the fans culé. The Brazilian neither stands out in the Sporting
The players of the FC Barcelona would not agree, as it has informed in the last hours "MD", with the criticisms and mockeries poured by the fans of the Barça to the figure of Douglas Pereira, the one who neither is standing out in this principle of season in the Sporting of Gijón and, therefore, would not be crossing a good sportive situation and personal.
From the Barcelona changing room would think that the focus of pressure on the Brazilian has been too big by part of the fans culé, and that the fact that it was not having neither good performances in the Sporting of Gijón can be due to that it is not playing in his natural position, the one of right side, when explaining more for the "Pitu" Abelardo like extreme.
The true is that the players of the Barça would have a lot appreciate and affection to Douglas Pereira, to the one who consider that the luck did not finish to accompany in the FC Barcelona because of the multiple injuries and the begin with bad foot in the first parties that contested under the control of Luis Enrique in Spanish League and Glass of Rey.
Douglas is very fellow of Neymar Jr and of Rafinha Alcántara, and after the party against the Sporting in Gijón greeted efusivamente with them. To the Brazilian player are not him going too well the things in this start of season in The Molinón, where fell lesionado at the beginning of the course and had some annoyances in the glúteo when remaining slept in the coach does some days, that by little do him lose the meeting in front of the Barça.