El Chiringuito: FC Barcelona tells Luis Suárez that it does not have him
Published:20/08/2020 - 09:55h
Updated:20/08/2020 - 12:55h
The FC Barcelona would have decided that Luis Suárez did not form part of the staff and it would have communicated it to him to the player, that has an offer of the Ajax
From the hecatombe of Lisbon, in which the FC Barcelona fell in quarter-finals of the Champions League against the Bayern of Munich by a conclusive 2-8, the Catalan club began to move to carry out important changes. The first have arrived in the organisation chart: Quique Setién has left to be trainer so that it arrive Ronald Koeman and Ramon Plans substituted to Eric Abidal at the head of the technical office.
Now that it has renewed the technical area with a new trainer and a new secretary, now touches to carry out the changes in the staff. Changes that no only have to arrive in shape of signings, but in shape of 'cleaning' to try relieve some of the most veteran players that in the last seasons have gone down the performance. One of the cases in ebullición is the one of Luis Suárez.
According to the informations that Jota Jordi, intermediary and sportive mediator, offered during the social gathering of 'The Chiringuito of Jugones', the FC Barcelona already would have communicated him to Luis Suárez that it does not have he of face to the next season. In fact, the club would have asked him that it accepted the offer that has right now on of the table, that is of the Ajax of Ámsterdam, the team in which it shined before giving the step to the Liverpool.
As it said Jota Jordi, the FC Barcelona has on of the table an offer of 15 million euros of the Ajax that would accept willingly, but the problem is in the difficulties that would have the Dutch group to pay the multimillionaire annual wage of Luis Suárez, that exceeds the 15 millions. In this stage, the Catalan club would have to forgive a quantity of the traspaso to the team of Ámsterdam so that the Dutch could pay the wage of the 'gunman'.
It is necessary to remember that Luis Suárez has agreement until June of 2021 but that, as he same desveló in an interview does some months, exists a clause of automatic renewal in case to play a determinate number of parties. By his high wage and by the low rendimeinto that has given the Uruguayan in the last seasons with several injuries of by half, seems that his course would be the ideal stage for the club.
Officially, the decision is in hands of Koeman
Xavi Vilajoana, director of the FC Barcelona, spoke of future in the program 'Sportia' of the chain of Argentinian television TyC and, in concrete, referred to Luis Suárez. "His future will define it the trainer", ensured, putting the decision in hands of Ronald Koeman. Nevertheless, if the informations of Jota Jordi are precise, the decision of the club already would be taken.