Aleksander Ceferin In an act of the UEFA


The four big changes that the UEFA studies for the European football

Published:5/09/2018 - 22:03h

Updated:6/09/2018 - 02:54h

This Tuesday took place in Nyon the Forum of Trainers of the UEFA, and between the subjects treated, there were some claims of the technicians. The maximum organism of the European football will study until four changes in the rule that could give in the near future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Taking advantage of that there is something more than space in the diary with the stop of selections, this Tuesday celebrated in Nyon the Forum of Trainers of the UEFA. Preparadores Of all the world gathered in Switzerland to exchange impressions and value some subjects proposed by the maximum international organism, that could take note of his claims and make some interesting changes.

It does some days went back to be leading the modification in the rule for the competitions of the old continent, in which from now there will be restrictions with the wintry signings. So much in Champions as in Europe League, players that belong to a club during the phase of groups, will be able to be inscribed with another distinct before the eliminatory of eighth if there is a traspaso of by half in January.

This novelty already was announced and will set up in the next trienio in the tournaments (2018-21), but could not being the only. There is four more than will subject to study after the conversations with the trainers, after, between others, figures so powerful like the Cholo Simeone have insisted in the need of a review of the regulation, with individual interes in the first of them.

The four changes of rule that studies the UEFA

Double value of the goals in extentions

The Argentinian has been one of which has elevated the voice in more occasions, but after the last query, has received an unanimous support: All consider that it is unfair. Although the distinction of the double value of the goals yes understands like correct, in the extentions benefits to the team that plays the turn out of house. In case to annotate a so much, forces to the venue to convert two not to remain deleted, something that could modify próximamente. 

Fourth replacement in time added

As already it has come applying in the World-wide of Russia, also affects to the extentions, and would suppose a relief for the players. It is a quite accepted idea and could be of the following proposals in confirming .


It had rumoreado that it could arrive this same season, although it will be necessary to expect, at least, until the followingAleksander Ceferin, president of the UEFA, commented that still there are some doubts with regard to the application and the correct implementation of the system, by what, although it works for his arrival, will not be with immediate effect.

Closing of the market of signings unified

It is one of the most demanded variations and one of the most difficult to apply. This summer, the Premier closed on 9 August, the Series To the 17 and LaLiga, the Bundesliga and Tie it 1 the 31. The intention is to reduce the chaos situating a common date and before the start of the competitions, to avoid an uncertainty that affects to clubs and footballers.