Nasser To the-Khelaifi, during a press conference with the PSG


The president of the PSG: "Neymar is of the Barça, will see which raisin"

Published:1/08/2017 - 18:58h

Updated:2/08/2017 - 16:08h

The president of Paris Saint-Germain, Nasser To the-Khelaifi, has pronounced on the possible signing of Neymar Jr by the Parisian club, without giving details of the operation but recognising the interest in doing sooner or later with his services

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In some statements conceded to the Moroccan television the past Saturday but that have trascended this Tuesday, the president of Paris Saint-Germain referred to the possible signing of Neymar Jr, ensuring that it is for the time being player of the FC Barcelona and that "the PSG respects the agreements", although leaving clear that "already will see what will happen with him" in the next days.

"Neymar Is a world-wide star, but for the time being is player of the Barcelona"

"I think that this is now something precipitated. Today, Neymar is a player of the Barcelona and already will see what will happen with him, but we respect all the agreements signed with the others clubs and players", commented Nasser To the-Khelaifi to the Moroccan channel 'Medi 1 TV' the past Saturday, before the PSg contested the Supercopa of France against the Monaco.

"I do not want to, sincerely, speak of this subject in these moments. I expect to speak of him in another moment. I prefer not giving percentages on the options of ficharlo, each thing to his time...", it said besides, recognising openly the interest of the PSG in Neymar.

The PSG recognises the interest in Neymar

To the-Khelaifi has clear that Neymar Jr is a world-wide star, and is had to do all the possible for doing with his services. "Neymar Is a world-wide star. But I repeat, for the time being it is a player of the Barcelona. Fichar To a star is not only a question of name or of reputation, but also by the game that practises".

"The PSG has the ambition to have big players recognised to world-wide level to increase the reputation of the club and give to the players and to the trainer the level that expects ", manifested the president of the PSG, in some statements that follow it leaving everything in the air, but that at least confirm the interest of the Parisian club in the signing of Neymar.